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Final Week: Vote For Ryan to Win

I dont get this forum, as BB 'proper' fans you want the boring housemate to win... As much as he is good looking, he would be a boring winner! But good luck! May the best Man/Woman win!
Voting again after tonight just seems so sad to me - I'm so used to dialling to save David :( but you have me on board! Towards the end, Ryan stuck by David and made his time in the house great! Ryan has never managed to piss me off and love that he is not afraid to tell Skye what he thinks.

I just hope he doesn't start anything with Skye.
I dont get this forum, as BB 'proper' fans you want the boring housemate to win... As much as he is good looking, he would be a boring winner! But good luck! May the best Man/Woman win!
He isn't boring and this has got nothing to do with his looks.

What about Skye exactly appeals to you?? That she's 20 years old yet has acted like a 7 year old girl and that's whats got her to where she is?? So being entertaining is now acting 13 years below your age and like a clown?
I don't want to turn this into a bitchy thread, but if you want to come in here and call someone boring my answer to you is a huge reality check of why you think awarding someone who is immature and fake is actually a better option than someone who is real and honest.

At this point right now for this season to not be a bigger failure the best options of people winning are Priya and Ryan now that David is gone.

I said, if you don't like him don't post here but yet people do??? Seriously wtf lol
1. Ryan has not relied on showmances to get him to where he is and has not used other housemates in there as a way to gain popularity
.... Sam, Sandra, Lawson, David - used them all brilliantly.

2. Ryan has been playing an honest game and has not tried to lie his way to the top, he hasn't stirred trouble and he hasn't back stabbed (no vindictive side to Ryan)
...hasn't caused trouble? Travis fights - turning all the guys against him. Fights with Skye, alongside Sandra fights with Priya, alongside David.

3. What we've seen from him has been humour and wittiness, although he did get lost in the crowd first few weeks but he really stood out since the hotel task and showed his true self. He is funny without being immature and he is witty without being cruel.
..I agree he is quite funny, albeit at other people's expense.

4. Ryans intention was never to win but to enjoy the experience and that only means he has been his true self and really there to learn and test his abilities not to make others look bad to gain popularity
...You don't know his intentions, so you can't really say he was never there to win.

5. Ryan avoided being nominated the longest by playing a great game, he was kind to all the house mates and not one evicted housemate has said anything bad about him, which only means he is a great player who has cared for the other contestants and has not been hurtful in anyway.
....Ryan has not been kind the entire game, as reasons mentioned above.

You can want Ryan to win of course, but make sure your reasons are actually sound.
1. Ryan has not relied on showmances to get him to where he is and has not used other housemates in there as a way to gain popularity
.... Sam, Sandra, Lawson, David - used them all brilliantly.

2. Ryan has been playing an honest game and has not tried to lie his way to the top, he hasn't stirred trouble and he hasn't back stabbed (no vindictive side to Ryan)
...hasn't caused trouble? Travis fights - turning all the guys against him. Fights with Skye, alongside Sandra fights with Priya, alongside David.

3. What we've seen from him has been humour and wittiness, although he did get lost in the crowd first few weeks but he really stood out since the hotel task and showed his true self. He is funny without being immature and he is witty without being cruel.
..I agree he is quite funny, albeit at other people's expense.

4. Ryans intention was never to win but to enjoy the experience and that only means he has been his true self and really there to learn and test his abilities not to make others look bad to gain popularity
...You don't know his intentions, so you can't really say he was never there to win.

5. Ryan avoided being nominated the longest by playing a great game, he was kind to all the house mates and not one evicted housemate has said anything bad about him, which only means he is a great player who has cared for the other contestants and has not been hurtful in anyway.
....Ryan has not been kind the entire game, as reasons mentioned above.

You can want Ryan to win of course, but make sure your reasons are actually sound.

1. Do you know what a showmance is?
2. Travis and Skye started those arguments. Points invalid.
3. Priya acts disrespectful and is rude at other peoples expenses.
4. You don't know Priya's true intentions either.
5. That's your opinion. Why troll?
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1. Was referring to the last part of the "reason".
2. Ryan himself said he planned to stir the pot after being put up for nomination then had the argument with Skye.
3. She called Lawson a sore loser....HORRIBLE BITCH.
4. We know Priya's intentions, she wants to win.
5. It's not a troll, it's having an opinion just like you running your mouth in the Priya Appreciation thread.

You can dish it out on other housemates faves but can't take it, grow up.
@natalia it doesn't show lack of class at all, everyone is always tearing Priya down, no one is exempt from criticism and logic.
I also actually think Ryan will take out the prize, not for the reasons you've mentioned - but I think he has played a very good game.
1. Ryan has not relied on showmances to get him to where he is and has not used other housemates in there as a way to gain popularity
.... Sam, Sandra, Lawson, David - used them all brilliantly.

2. Ryan has been playing an honest game and has not tried to lie his way to the top, he hasn't stirred trouble and he hasn't back stabbed (no vindictive side to Ryan)
...hasn't caused trouble? Travis fights - turning all the guys against him. Fights with Skye, alongside Sandra fights with Priya, alongside David.

3. What we've seen from him has been humour and wittiness, although he did get lost in the crowd first few weeks but he really stood out since the hotel task and showed his true self. He is funny without being immature and he is witty without being cruel.
..I agree he is quite funny, albeit at other people's expense.

4. Ryans intention was never to win but to enjoy the experience and that only means he has been his true self and really there to learn and test his abilities not to make others look bad to gain popularity
...You don't know his intentions, so you can't really say he was never there to win.

5. Ryan avoided being nominated the longest by playing a great game, he was kind to all the house mates and not one evicted housemate has said anything bad about him, which only means he is a great player who has cared for the other contestants and has not been hurtful in anyway.
....Ryan has not been kind the entire game, as reasons mentioned above.

You can want Ryan to win of course, but make sure your reasons are actually sound.
I've read a lot of bullshit reasons on why people like priya but not once have said your opinions are not sound.
Like I said, stay out of this thread if you don't like Ryan

Also Ryan did not use sandra and sam seeing as they got evicted significantly earlier on in the game and he pulled through which only means he is the more popular and he only made them better.

He didn't attach himself to skye and act as her best friend or lover to get votes that what I meant

Many housemates are in some kind of alliance with skye yet he isnt, and they all know Skye is the most popular.

Dude no hate, I want Priya to win if Ryan doesn't but my reasons were pretty solid and your response was a bit rude/mean.
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