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Episode Day 53 (30/10/14) Daily show

That Penny chick definitely needed some guidance on how to breathe and tolerate that ice cold. While I've never done this before, and don't know if anyone here has, I would guess that at that point you want to completely remove your body from your mind and put your mental state elsewhere during those minutes, do not let your mind connect to those needles attacking your body. Penny was shaking insanely and in panic mode...

Yes, with her being a dancer, I thought this would have been a piece of cake for Penny as regards any fitness required. I know that she only had to endure 1 minute, but Lina was breathing well and looked controlled and as if she could have done 2 minutes if required. Its just a matter of how far will you push yourself for a football. If they had to depend on me, they would be playing charades :).
I feel bad saying this, as I'm American, but Leo's accent (yes I know he's Canadian) sounds strange and a little harsh even to me. Now I know what I might sound like to you guys should I ever get to visit Australia. Makes me sad.

Don't feel sad Rose711, Australia is very welcoming towards long as you don't come by boat :).
Google, Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison and Border Protection.
You see it all the time on Survivor - thenzero bodynfat guys get hit hardnbynwithdrawn. Leo isman athlete like this. He didn'tmexpect, when hisnGold Coast agent called him that doing a few weeks on tv wouldmcost himmany physical hardship. Why should it? Any show smart and lucky enough to get our Leo is going to meet his specific dietary needs.

This is how they get out Leo.
I think your keyboard had a spasm lol
What a waste of electricity
yeah, it's the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Here we are trying to bring Australia to be 'carbon friendly' yet electricity is shooting through those bloody things 24/7. Absolute waste of energy! How fucking retarded.
Im an E. Id say D. Or double D

Size is irrelevant
You people are SO superficial
How dare you?
What IS relevant is that she is a normal, happy n healthy housemate and whether or not she lets me play with her tits when she leaves the house and especially on the rides at Dreamworld
Oh thank goodness. I have one of the worst accents (pure East Texas hillbilly) and I thought he sounded strange.