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I suspect, she'll try to get with anyone that'll have her. Maybe she'll use Leo to make Lawson jealous, and like **magic** Lawson will realise he is looking at his one true love. :laugh:
How sad is that sentiment? I agree with you. Cat is one of those women that thinks any bit of attention from a man means they'll get married and have babies. She's also one of those women who REALLY should be concentrating on herself and not any man, because she is way too needy, and emotional. If she always gets attached like this to men, it will never end well for her. She reeks of desperation, and the last time I checked, it's not an attractive trait for anyone. In the interim, buy a teddy bear to hug at night, or use a pillow in the house. I don't see Leo going for the clinger, crying, thing.

You know, Lawson might be safe with his girl, by explaining it was all strategy. Lol. He'll no doubt spin it.
Oh, for the love, does she do anything else but go around apologizing to everyone? She's nauseating and as subtle as a mack truck. Who apologizes for having a discussion with someone? RUN LEO RUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! Why are her interactions with everyone so damn awkward? I can only hope voting habits change after the Lawson stuff, and she's out soon.
I'm in a same sex relationship and I'm 31 while my partner is 22. Age isn't always a huge issue if the person is emotionally mature and on your wave length.
It will be interesting to see what happens after all her tears tonight. One of my pet hates is cheating and people who don't respect others relationships.

Within 10 years is ok I suppose. I'm a bit parents were 19 years apart in age, and, as much as I love my dad and would never speak ill of the dead, I grew up with a double-generation-gap dad and would never do the same to my kids. Equally, I won't date anyone outside a few years either way. Nothing personal of course...just grew up with a dad who was old and sick and don't want to so the same in married life, or inflict it on others.
I'm in a same sex relationship and I'm 31 while my partner is 22. Age isn't always a huge issue if the person is emotionally mature and on your wave length.
It will be interesting to see what happens after all her tears tonight. One of my pet hates is cheating and people who don't respect others relationships.

Within 10 years is ok I suppose. I'm a bit parents were 19 years apart in age, and, as much as I love my dad and would never speak ill of the dead, I grew up with a double-generation-gap dad and would never do the same to my kids. Equally, I won't date anyone outside a few years either way. Nothing personal of course...just grew up with a dad who was old and sick and don't want to so the same in married life, or inflict it on others.
Oh, for the love, does she do anything else but go around apologizing to everyone? She's nauseating and as subtle as a mack truck. Who apologizes for having a discussion with someone? RUN LEO RUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! Why are her interactions with everyone so damn awkward? I can only hope voting habits change after the Lawson stuff, and she's out soon.

I don't think that conversation was for Leo, I think it was more for herself.
She is such a Moron

Can't stand her need for validation and her constant apologies. Her desire not to irritate anyone. That's life princess, get over it!! Not everyone will like you....

'it's so hard to have feelings for someone who can't have feelings for you back'- this makes me sick... stop fishing and love yourself first.... Why are people like her and Sandra even pursuing men that are taken? It makes them look restarted and so unattractive. Have more self-respect
She is such a Moron

Can't stand her need for validation and her constant apologies. Her desire not to irritate anyone. That's life princess, get over it!! Not everyone will like you....

'it's so hard to have feelings for someone who can't have feelings for you back'- this makes me sick... stop fishing and love yourself first.... Why are people like her and Sandra even pursuing men that are taken? It makes them look restarted and so unattractive. Have more self-respect

Cat isn't a moron, she is just doing something moronic in regards to the Lawson situation.
I don't think that conversation was for Leo, I think it was more for herself.
I'm not quite sure what you mean. She absolutely wanted to talk about Lawson to him. It was embarrassing that he didn't even know what she was referring to. It was, for me, an incredibly blatant way to bring Lawson up, and the guy had no idea what she was talking about. I've seen girls like that operate. She was hoping he'd ask questions. I just don't like her. I'm curious what you mean by the conversation beind for herself.
I'm not quite sure what you mean. She absolutely wanted to talk about Lawson to him. It was embarrassing that he didn't even know what she was referring to. It was, for me, an incredibly blatant way to bring Lawson up, and the guy had no idea what she was talking about. I've seen girls like that operate. She was hoping he'd ask questions. I just don't like her. I'm curious what you mean by the conversation beind for herself.

Maybe you are right that she wanted to talk to someone about what happened that night. Even if it was to the new intruder who didn't care about what Cat was saying. I was meaning that she was talking to herself when she said 'he's got a girlfriend on the outside' because she wanted to remind herself that Lawson is taken and that she is up for nominations so looking like a homewrecker could mean a Monday or Tuesday eviction for her.

You could also interpret the comment as Cat saying to the intruder Leo that 'Don't worry, Lawson and I are just good friends. I'm not going to try anything with him.'. Even though Leo does not car about the whole Clawson thing, but Cat wants to make sure the intruder doesn't get the wrong impression of herself and Lawson.
Maybe you are right that she wanted to talk to someone about what happened that night. Even if it was to the new intruder who didn't care about what Cat was saying. I was meaning that she was talking to herself when she said 'he's got a girlfriend on the outside' because she wanted to remind herself that Lawson is taken and that she is up for nominations so looking like a homewrecker could mean a Monday or Tuesday eviction for her.

You could also interpret the comment as Cat saying to the intruder Leo that 'Don't worry, Lawson and I are just good friends. I'm not going to try anything with him.'. Even though Leo does not car about the whole Clawson thing, but Cat wants to make sure the intruder doesn't get the wrong impression of herself and Lawson.

Thanks for explaining. I get it now. Perhaps you are right. Just like many things she does, it was an awkward start to the conversation. She's a confused chick. I guess we'll know her fate soon enough.