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Celebrity Big Brother UK - late Aug 2015

I had intended to post this yesterday but since y'all appeared to go into cardiac arrest when I posted the other one of Jenna , I thought I'd give you a break.

PROMISE: There is NO NUDITY in this clip - I find it interesting though. This is from 1995 when Jenna was 21. There is absolutely no resemblance to Jenna now and I'm not just talking about the physical parts, tattoos and face etc. Even the voice is different and her demeanour, .... what puzzles me most is where the Kosher came from, are there many Jews in Las Vegas?

Howard Stern -- eat your heart out Alan Jones :woot:

And for those of you with a fairly good eyesight... can you see a duckbill? NO you can't. may as well be a different person who happens to have the same name to so looks nothing like her in every facet... amazing!... cheers.
so has Bobby seen Sherrie being referred to as the house "Nanna" in glowing terms and decided by dispensing his unsolicited "advice to the lovelorn" to Stiffy & Chloroform he'll up the ante and become the house "grandpa" ???

Qué ?? English please.... no poker terms, it's against my religion. :pompus: :wink:
... but he spoilt it all by saying that he wanted Stiffy and Chlorine to win it "for a laugh!"... don't even say that Doctor Dance... not even in jest!!!... (he's probably one of those people that are trying to get them to win it just to piss us all off!)... ;):arghh::sour::sorry:... the 'family and friends' phone calls some on and I fast forward... (I see Scoop on fast forward so I just keep letting it go lol!)... the end of the show... cheers.

Hahahahahaha... Sticky - my heart skipped a beat when I saw this, thinking and counting the beats your heart was skipping.... I actually dialled 000 and told them to stand by.

Good to see you made it :laugh:
not exactly telling the truth..this is from wikipedia
Jameson writes in her autobiography that in October 1990, when she was 16 years old and while the family was living on a cattle ranch in Fromberg, Montana, she was beaten with rocks and gang raped by four boys after a football game at Fromberg High School.[17] The incident began after she attempted to hitchhike home, and that she entered the car of the four boys while believing that she would be driven to her home.[17] She reported being raped a second time while still 16, by "Preacher", her boyfriend Jack's biker uncle.[17] Preacher has denied the rape ever occurred.[19] Rather than tell her father, she left home and moved in with Jack in her first serious relationship.[4][20]

I am pretty sure she tells a different "truth" each time she is interviewed. What strikes me is that if she was 21 in '95 - she'd be 41 now.

Even burnt out American female porn-stars work well into their 40s nowadays courtesy of the syringes, scalpels and various drugs and synthetic wonders - which, as we all can see, Jenna is well acquainted with.
Why did she quit the job while still in her prime? Oh, she bought half of the Californian porn industry and practically owns it. Right.
Then why does she have to go on BBUK ???

What still intrigues me most though is where her 'Kosherism' stems from. Maybe she thinks she's Moses... hell, I don't know :wacky:
I am pretty sure she tells a different "truth" each time she is interviewed. What strikes me is that if she was 21 in '95 - she'd be 41 now.

Even burnt out American female porn-stars work well into their 40s nowadays courtesy of the syringes, scalpels and various drugs and synthetic wonders - which, as we all can see, Jenna is well acquainted with.
Why did she quit the job while still in her prime? Oh, she bought half of the Californian porn industry and practically owns it. Right.
Then why does she have to go on BBUK ???

What still intrigues me most though is where her 'Kosherism' stems from. Maybe she thinks she's Moses... hell, I don't know :wacky:
she converted to Judaism because of her partner,she was raised catholic
I find Jennitals tattoos rather offputting ... to me they seen like war paint. Its probably also the aggressive snakey personality i dont like ... combined with the fact she doesn’t shut up and ever truly listen to anyone
I am pretty sure she tells a different "truth" each time she is interviewed. What strikes me is that if she was 21 in '95 - she'd be 41 now.

Even burnt out American female porn-stars work well into their 40s nowadays courtesy of the syringes, scalpels and various drugs and synthetic wonders - which, as we all can see, Jenna is well acquainted with.
Why did she quit the job while still in her prime? Oh, she bought half of the Californian porn industry and practically owns it. Right.
Then why does she have to go on BBUK ???

What still intrigues me most though is where her 'Kosherism' stems from. Maybe she thinks she's Moses... hell, I don't know :wacky:
Going on CBBUK raises her name over there again. ..sales of her videos will go up again ... The curiosity factor we can call it ... I'm guessing if they are left-handed the curiosity would be from an artistic point of interest and if right-handed its simply the perve factor kicking in ;)
she converted to Judaism because of her partner,she was raised catholic
So she’s a 'convenient' Jew instead of a convenient Catholic ... kosher when it suits her which is basically as soon as there's a wine or food delivery
The Pope is probably very relieved the self-annointed queen of porn isn't also telling everyone who'll listen that she's just a good Catholic girl at heart
Jenna and Janice.

Isn't it so convenient Chloe has her self-insecurities about her weight right by the time everyone's having fun? She says it's about Stevi drinking, though what I think is that she doesn't like when the attention gets off her. She likes to be the light of everything, and if it doesn't go her way she'll have a meltdown.
she converted to Judaism because of her partner,she was raised catholic

Oh? Well that is akin to jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Her conversion is nominal only I guess to keep the peace or demonstrate her submission to her partner.
The Judaic dietary code alone is so complex that it would take her 3 lifetimes to learn and to memorise, considering her tiny brain capacity. :smug:
I find Jennitals tattoos rather offputting ... to me they seen like war paint. Its probably also the aggressive snakey personality i dont like ... combined with the fact she doesn’t shut up and ever truly listen to anyone
War paint hahaha... She's a fighter, a warrior, war paint and bullying tactics just like the early pioneers.
once again Farrah proving she cannot shutup long enough to listen to anyone else's opinion
She will not listen to criticism - just chooses to talk over the top of anyone at anytime

Had to laugh when she is making snide comments about a Aisleyne never being invited to be on Celebrity Big Brother ... as if Farrah is truly worthy of 'celebrity' status
People like Farrah keep getting built up by idiots wanting ratings ... and they are encouraging & reinforcing her crappy behaviour so that she believes she is in the right & justified in being the horrible person she is ... but once this gravy train she's on runs out (because there will always be new people taking the limelight) what the heck is she going to do?
Maybe she's made enough money to last her a lifetime ...'s highlight show:... just to start this off I'd just like to say... I hope that it's Bobby and Jennitals that go tonight... right here we go... Whiney Willis walks out... as per usual... yesterdays recaps... fast forward Bobby and Stiffy talking... as I said yesterday Janice jumps on Austin and stirs the hell out of him... in the lounge room Janice does her long speech to everyone... in the kitchen Jennitals/Austin and Sherrie are talking about James with Jennitals planting ideas into the other two's heads as usual... most of them are out in the pool (with open bottles of Alcohol) and having fun and Chlorine gets up and leaves... Stiffy chases after her and now she's worrying that ... now get this folks... SHE IS FAT!!!!... :bang::bang::bang::rolleyes:... she then goes into the Diary Room and she now feels like... "the freak that can't join in"... yup!... that's what she said... she thinks that Stiffy doesn't see her as his 'main priority' anymore because he wants to drink alcohol more than be with her"... HE'S JUST HAVING FUN AND DRINKS WITH THE REST OF THE HOUSEMATES FFS YOU DUMB BIMBOID!... (even a pet dog gets a schmacko's once in a while as a treat you floss-head!)...

...back to Emma Live... she talks to the house... (please let it be Bobby and Jennitals!... please let it be Bobby and Jennitals!... please let it be Bobby and Jennitals!)... YESSSSSSS!!!... Jennitals is out!!!!... (thank god!)... now we've just got to survive her on BOTS and then we see her no more!... she struts her stuff on the stairs and now for her exit interview... she's "stoked' to be out of the house :rolleyes::yawn::sleep:... (I'm starting to reach for the 'fast forward' button)... James apparently was her 'Homie'... (that's looking really good that fast forward button)... she says something... (I fast forward the interview to the end)... moving on...

...back from the break and Emma goes back Live to the house to evict the second person of the night... (please let it be Bobby!... please let it be Bobby!... please let it be Bobby!)... aw crap!... it's Janice!... (I can't believe that Janice is gone and Sherrie/Stiffy-Chlorine and Bobby are still in the bloody house!)... Janice struts her stuff on the catwalk... (haha!... I love the way that they had someone there to help her down the stairs)...

...Janice's interview... she starts milking every drop out of it like the true professional that she is lol!... sadly... she really does believe that Chlorine and her 'troubles' are genuine... :frown::sorry:... Emma talks about Austin and the way that he spoke to her and Janice tries twice to respond but Emma just keeps talking over her... (shut the hell up will you Emma?)... Janice has no animosity towards Austin at all because he's 'just a kid'... she really does believe that Chlorine is wonderful and that she is so genuine... (she has gotten so sucked in by their act)... her exit interview was okay I guess... some of her answers were a bit 'airey-fairey' but what the hell eh?... would've much preferred Bobby out though but meh!... and now for BOTS... sadly I have to see Jennitals yet again but Janice will probably some good fun so hopefully it'll be a good show... cheers.
...tonight's BOTS... on the panel tonight are... Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace/Vicki Michelle (ooooh Rene') and OH FUCK!... Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah...:wtf::bang::rolleyes:... Aisleyne believes that Austin and Stiffy-Chlorine should've been out of the show by now... every time that Vicki Michelle tried to talk to Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah she just totally ignored her and kept talking over her the rude arrogant bitch!... Aisleyne saw this and got shitty about it obviously and started to say something and then she did the same thing to her and from what I can make out said to Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah... (after Rylan asked Aisleyne... "do you miss Farrah coming out of the house?")...

..."no I don't... let's be honest... I just don't... she was just horrible!... like she never took accountability for anything that she did she's a silly little girl... it's just pathetic... she's just nasty... it's one thing standing up for yourself and being a strong woman and it's one thing being a nasty horrible bitch!... you've got your cheque... you've had your cheque now get on a plane and fuck off!... we don't want you here!... go on!... boring!... boring!... get on the plane and fuck off!... no-one likes you here... get going you bitch!...(hahaha!... way to go Aisleyne!)...

...Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah tries fighting back but Aisleyne is all over her and Rylan butts in to stop them both going any further and talks to her about who she will miss in the house and she says Sherrie! :wideyed:... (now that I didn't expect!)... lol!... again Vicki Michelle says something to Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah and again she just ignores her... Rylan then asks her who she would like to win it now between who is left in there and she says Sherrie... (wow!... Rylan did a good job of diffusing that in my opinion:thumbsup:)...

...Whiney Willis comes on... fast forward... Jennitals comes on and she says that she... "wants to jump on her mans face!"... YUP!:wtf:... moving on... they show some of her 'highlights' in the house... she says that friggin'... "cray cray!"... expression again... :mad::mad::punch::punch::rage::rage:... again she says that Natasha is 'fake' :yawn::sleep:... get this stupid big-mouthed bimbo off Rylan please!... fast forward...

...Janice comes down the stairs... she gets a massive reception from the audience and panel alike... they show her in a specially made cinematic reel... (which was quite funny)... she then spoils this whole segment by saying how real and fantastic Stiffy and Chlorine's 'love affair' is.... :arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::bang::bang::bang::bang::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling:... she says that she wants James to win it...

...Rylan gets Janice and Jennitals up to 'turn them red' on the board and I see Jennitals massive 'booty' and just how tight her dress is that she has on...

2015-09-23_19-36-18.jpg 2015-09-23_19-34-11.jpg 2015-09-23_19-35-34.jpg

...really Jennitals?... really?... (methinks that she may have put a tad bit of weight on while she was in the house somehow)... Jennitals runs over to hug Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah... (who is now wearing a tiara for some reason)...

...Rylan asks Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah about what she thinks of Austins behaviour in the house and Aisleyne goes to say something and Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah says something like... "hag be quiet!... hag be quiet!"... and then WTF?... the BBUK eye comes onto the screen... and then suddenly returns back to Rylan standing there and he says that they have lost their panel tonight!... WTF???... what the hell happened?... (I'm gonna have to 'Google' that methinks!!!!)... he says that "the show must go on"... and begins talking just to the audience as if nothing has happened!... I wonder what happened?... I'm going to pause this and go on the Internet to find out what happened methinks!...

...holy shit!... chairs thrown... Vicki Michelle hurt somehow... I can't find any footage of it but Aisleyne and Feral Ferret-Faced Farrah got physical with each other lol!... aw man!... to see that whole thing would be awesome!... Vicki Michelle is all good though thank god!.... oh wow eh?...(Aisleyne would've won that if it came to a catfight methinks!... lol!)...

...back to the show... people in the audience say something... end of show... now to get really stuck into the internet to see what happened lol!... cheers.
Hahahahahaha... Sticky - my heart skipped a beat when I saw this, thinking and counting the beats your heart was skipping.... I actually dialled 000 and told them to stand by.

Good to see you made it :laugh:

...if Doctor Dance ever says anything as silly as that again I will hunt him down and kick him in his Disco balls!... lol!... cheers.