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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2016) - Episode Discussion

(Just started watching)

That was a bit of a cheat wasn't it? Not that I didn't want them to have meals, but rules is rules...
...3rd place is...
Laurina of course... that's so pathetic!... please let it be Paul that wins this
... (sorry for revealing it... I didn't mean to)... cheers.
...I didn't want to spoil it for the people watching it behind us but what are the rules for the finals?... cheers.
Look I'm a sucker for wonderful husbands, I really am, and chief did not disappoint. Just the way he looked at his wife, that was beautiful.

I did get a little teary watching Fev with his kids. I think out of all the family moments, fevs moment was the most heart warming. looks like the Producers are crucifying poor Laurina by showing all the negative shit doesn't it?... and now Julia is telling her about how she 'improved' at the end... that is so shitful... I'm so disappointed that Julia actually had the hide to say that!... that is so pathetic!... Laurina didn't have to 'IMPROVE' Julia!!!!... cheers.