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Episode Day 43 (20/10/14) - Daily Show

HA! The doctors on that show are champions! "Yes I can see how having a vagina the size of a clown car that envelopes a bar stool when you sit down might put a damper on your life. Here, let me just stick my entire head up there and have a look to make sure there isn't anything more to worry about in there!"

A clown car.... Omg... No, no, no.... Cadillac. :nailbiting:

First time poster long time lurker....This made my night more than the vom worthy results of clawson. Thank you!
So looking forward to Cat and Lawson in the real world. Such douches. And apparently no care or awareness
that BB world also translates to real world repercussions. Such hate for them both.
Once out of the House, these two are going to whinge and cry claim "bullying" at the slightest criticism of their
So looking forward to Cat and Lawson in the real world. Such douches. And apparently no care or awareness that BB world also translates to real world repercussions. Such hate for them both.
Once out of the House, both of these idiots are going to go the tactic of whinging, crying and claiming "bullying" at the slightest criticism of their cheating on national television. Just expect more shameful behaviour from both of these weak characters.
I love American Horror Story, and Twisty the clown is perfectly creepy! Oops sorry off topic.

Lawson is a dick.
Omg me too!! Bahaha I love love American horror story :D the clown gives me the creeps too. My favourite season is def the first one. But they've all be pretty cool :D