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Confessions and interesting facts about yourself

I'm doing ok now @Kismet, the ticker is worse than it was before that happened, but I'm ok. Could have been much worse

Glad to hear you are doing ok, but I do also understand that as time passes, things you believe are for the better, aren't. When we are talking in leagues of life/death situations, when we have the choice to make a call, which way do you go? (rhetorical). Near always it's "fix it".
I worked as a missionary for a short time in India, as a nurse when I was in my early 20's....oh and I was nearly kidnapped,[DOUBLEPOST=1413177571][/DOUBLEPOST]In India

Near kidnapped by and for what reason? (just asking)
2 Saudi men, I spent a few days in new Delhi, my chaperone was a young girl too, and we were shopping, and we're followed by the 2 men, they offered to buy us drinks, I was young and stupid, had a few drinks with them, then they offered to cook for us, when we got to their apartment they were trying to get us drunk, I realised something was going on, so I got up to leave and they locked the door....anyway, after a little while and with much persuasion they let us go. Was frightening, would never trust like that again
Glad to hear you are doing ok, but I do also understand that as time passes, things you believe are for the better, aren't. When we are talking in leagues of life/death situations, when we have the choice to make a call, which way do you go? (rhetorical). Near always it's "fix it".
Ironically, the surgery I originally went in for was to cure my heart condition, but I came out with TWO after that! Should have stayed home that day!

I haven't had near death events happen to me YET but a surprise to all who judge and call other posters uneducated dumb and other insults along those lines...

I'm actually a 2nd year medical student and I'm loving every moment of it!!
But I definitely hope I dont end up like the surgeon who operated on @David's beard
Haha my surgeon is apparently "the best in NSW". But I guess even the best make mistakes ;)
2 years ago I went to my best friends house because I had a weird feeling, she wouldn't answer the door. So I climbed on top of a stack of chairs and looked into her bathroom window and saw that she had hanged herself. I jumped off the chairs, ripped my jacket off grabbed a shovel and smashed her sliding windows and ran in at the same time I was calling 000.

When I got into the bathroom her head was swollen like a dark grape and her face was haemorrhaged, I ran to the kitchen grabbed the bluntest knife I could find O_O and I cut her down. I gave her CPR till the ambulance came and brought her back to life, it's pretty amazing feeling life come back into someone's body.

She wouldn't talk to me after that. But she's still alive so I'm ok with that.
Wow that's terrifying @Noonah19, but you did the right thing. Do you know how she's going now in terms of happiness/mental health?
No I don't know, not really. I don't have Facebook, I never have but I can still look at people's Facebook, so I try and look at hers now maybe once every 2nd month. The first year I looked every day because I felt I might miss a clue or a hint. But she never posted anything about her mood before the event and she still doesn't. She has two teenage children which makes the situation sadder. She was with a man that treated her badly, I think they're together now even though he cheated on her with a stripper and got the stripper PREGNANT, that was the straw that broke the camels back.
No I don't know, not really. I don't have Facebook, I never have but I can still look at people's Facebook, so I try and look at hers now maybe once every 2nd month. The first year I looked every day because I felt I might miss a clue or a hint. But she never posted anything about her mood before the event and she still doesn't. She has two teenage children which makes the situation sadder. She was with a man that treated her badly, I think they're together now even though he cheated on her with a stripper and got the stripper PREGNANT, that was the straw that broke the camels back.

Wow that's awful, sometimes these things can be triggered by specific events rather than ongoing mental health concerns. Hopefully she has found some peace now despite still being with that man. You were very brave nonetheless and I'm sure someday she will be grateful to you if she isn't already, if for no other reason then for her kids.
So you came close to flatline under the knife? How's the ticker now? You doing ok?

@Frankyfurt ..sorry to hear about what happened to your husband. Glad he's back on top of things now despite the meds. May I ask, does he talk about his time in the MIC? Yes... ICU is a horrible place. The incessant "beeps" got to me while in coma but they are a necessary part of the unit. I recall hearing a lot of beeeps and also the staff swearing a ..especially when they dropped equipment.

Congrats on the bub too.. despite he/she now being or nudging 5yrs old.:)
He doesn't remember hearing anything . But when he woke he was totally confused. Was asking me if he had been in the paper because some reason he thought he has been shot
*hugs* @Noonah19 You performed so well under pressure, that's very commendable!
Thanks being under pressure you do weird things, it's kinda funny when the police were there I put my hands to my head and my sunglasses weren't there, so the policeman walked me back to the house. Whilst panicking and forgetting how to use my iPhone and trying to find something to smash the window with I had carefully placed my Chanel sunglasses I bought on Rodeo Drive out of the way folded and everything, I don't even remember, haha priorities!
2 years ago I went to my best friends house because I had a weird feeling, she wouldn't answer the door. So I climbed on top of a stack of chairs and looked into her bathroom window and saw that she had hanged herself. I jumped off the chairs, ripped my jacket off grabbed a shovel and smashed her sliding windows and ran in at the same time I was calling 000.

When I got into the bathroom her head was swollen like a dark grape and her face was haemorrhaged, I ran to the kitchen grabbed the bluntest knife I could find O_O and I cut her down. I gave her CPR till the ambulance came and brought her back to life, it's pretty amazing feeling life come back into someone's body.

She wouldn't talk to me after that. But she's still alive so I'm ok with that.
This gave me goosebumps.
And your life paragraph is spot on
2 years ago I went to my best friends house because I had a weird feeling, she wouldn't answer the door. So I climbed on top of a stack of chairs and looked into her bathroom window and saw that she had hanged herself. I jumped off the chairs, ripped my jacket off grabbed a shovel and smashed her sliding windows and ran in at the same time I was calling 000.

When I got into the bathroom her head was swollen like a dark grape and her face was haemorrhaged, I ran to the kitchen grabbed the bluntest knife I could find O_O and I cut her down. I gave her CPR till the ambulance came and brought her back to life, it's pretty amazing feeling life come back into someone's body.

She wouldn't talk to me after that. But she's still alive so I'm ok with that.
Holy crap, that must of been absolutely terrifying, sad that your friend doesn't talk to you anymore
2 years ago I went to my best friends house because I had a weird feeling, she wouldn't answer the door. So I climbed on top of a stack of chairs and looked into her bathroom window and saw that she had hanged herself. I jumped off the chairs, ripped my jacket off grabbed a shovel and smashed her sliding windows and ran in at the same time I was calling 000.

When I got into the bathroom her head was swollen like a dark grape and her face was haemorrhaged, I ran to the kitchen grabbed the bluntest knife I could find O_O and I cut her down. I gave her CPR till the ambulance came and brought her back to life, it's pretty amazing feeling life come back into someone's body.

She wouldn't talk to me after that. But she's still alive so I'm ok with that.

This is truly terrifying. I had a similar (but far less personally involved) experience. A good friend told me he would commit suicide, I got the cops to go to his house and he then threatened to kill me for letting them stop him in the process of killing himself. I'm still scared of him to this day!

But your story is so much more touching. I think it's amazing that you were able to bring someone back to life, and you put so much effort into saving her. You are inspirational. It's almost peculiar that those who try to take their lives choose to hate them that saved their lives. You are a true saviour, congratulations!!
Holy crap, that must of been absolutely terrifying, sad that your friend doesn't talk to you anymore
It was kinda scary but it felt like I was in movie. It totally screwed with my head that she wouldn't talk to me, I guess she was mad I saved her, I don't know I've stopped analysing it. I went through a lot of grief but I'm pretty good now. I thought I'd never be able to enjoy a good horror movie but I can do that now too.

Time and distance changes everything.
This is truly terrifying. I had a similar (but far less personally involved) experience. A good friend told me he would commit suicide, I got the cops to go to his house and he then threatened to kill me for letting them stop him in the process of killing himself. I'm still scared of him to this day!

But your story is so much more touching. I think it's amazing that you were able to bring someone back to life, and you put so much effort into saving her. You are inspirational. It's almost peculiar that those who try to take their lives choose to hate them that saved their lives. You are a true saviour, congratulations!!
It's awful that people always "choose to shoot the messenger", they never realise or choose not to see what you have done for them, because they're embarrassed or angry whatever. And you know sometimes that's ok, we don't need a "thank-you" or a "sorry", maybe we were just meant to be there for that person, it was our destiny.

That's great that you called the cops, most people try to resolve the situation themselves and make it worse. Thanks for saying those nice things, I just did what I thought most would do.