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Would you have proffered Aisha & Travis to leave or Jason?

Hmm.. When given a choice like that I think travis and Aisha?

I like them, but jason seemed a good guy who could have been in the final. Thought he was a fave. Sad he left now.
If I HAD to choose, I'd definitely have liked Aisha and Travis to go. Just for something different. The dynamics of the house would've completely changed.

But in saying that, I am in no way unhappy at all that Jason is gone. So glad about it, in fact.
I was so glad he left and his cringe exit interview solidified my happiness of his departure
I have yet to see the last half hour of the show as I had to leave for work but am pleased that Jason left. (I don't mind spoilers.) In all honesty I would've been pleased with any of them going except David. There's something about him I like. The main ones I want to see leave are Priya then Marina at this stage. Travis would be a close third.
I would have liked just Aisha to go. Jason and Travis are two big personalities in the house. Aisha doesn't add much unless she's had a few red wines on a Friday night.
LMAO GUYSSSSS I don't even know what i was thinking. I am actually lolling at proffered myself lol. And the funny thing is, i spelt it that was twice without realising it was a typo. thank gawd for grammar nazis haha
But mmm yasssss preferred sorry guiz