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What IS the game exactly?


Well-Known Member
I’ve been quite bothered by this since they amped up the “Game” aspect of the show when Ch9 took over it.

What is the ‘game’ exactly – not being nominated? Not being evicted? If that’s the case the show is about putting on a false persona and tricking your way to the end. Which totally goes against early series where being called ‘fake’ was the worst thing you could be called. But now the show seems to completely be about being fake.

In Survivor and US BB they are allowed to openly discuss strategy – so the ‘game’ aspect makes sense. But in our one you can’t discuss nominations (unless in the power room) so what exactly is the ‘game’?. They need to either make colluding and nominations permissible for all housemates at all times – thus making it a true ‘game’ or simply drop the game aspect and again make it more a social experiment.

It’s like the show just does not know what it is anymore, I’ve watched every single season and I’ve found this year’s one to be the most confusing yet. I have no idea what’s going on and what the rules of the game actually are.
I agree with you that its sort of about just not getting nominated, and just getting the public to like you.

I don't entirely think that is about being fake tho.. although maybe a little. It's just about making the right decisions, befriending the right people and not pissing off your housemates or the general public.

I always think at least half the housemates go in with no "gameplan" and just want to be on the show for the fame and fortune.
The game is to be entertaining enough that Australia votes for you. That's about it.
This season, you could be evicted if you are in the bottom pair, but, honestly, if people want you to stay, you won't fall into that position.

A secondary game is the game with production that Tim and Ben did brilliantly last year, which is to always be creating some bits of interest that add content to the show. (Or maybe that is the main game?)

The third game might be to avoid nomination, but if you are liked enough outside the housethat shouldn't matter. It did cost Tahan 2nd place last year, because her fan base couldn't overcome the combined fans of Jade and Ed, after spending so much on her. But her continued nominations gave her a storyline as a fighter, and kept her on the forefront of the show, which she might not have gained otherwise.