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The real guineapigs in this social experiment is..

We are not that racist - people beat this up all the time, but in comparison with other countries, we do not have the same kind of race issues that other countries face.
Yes there is racism, but it is no way as bad as some try to claim, and it changes. We love the Italians and Greeks now, who were once treated quite shabbily.

My dad was 82 when he died a few years ago, so he was born in the 1930s. I loved him but there was this...element to him I could never ignore. He was a real ocker sort of Australian, oddly enough compared to me, and he was incapable of telling a story without bringing it back to race. They all went "I was standing behind this Lebanese bloke in the supermarket and..." or "this Asian bird pulled in front of me and..." and I'd be like "is this fact going to be relevant to the story?" Turns out, no.

The thing is he was ocker but he was the most non-aggressive person you could imagine, we had that in common. I don't know if I ever heard him say anything "racist" per se, but he was incapable of not seeing race. As in race was the first and most important thing he noted, unconsciously. brother on the other hand...just this week he was ranting about "Asians buying up all the property". I was going to make a point about the free market, then I stopped (then I realised if I was on BB people would complain about me not "being genuine" haha. But I know not to bother with him). It's possible even this comment is not out-and-out racism.

So yes. I think you're right that we don't suffer as much of the violent racism that other nations suffer, but there is an undercurrent there. But I think a lot of it requires generational change to fix.
I resent this vehemently and am willing to die to prove you wrong... are you? :p
Apologies. I meant Mikkayla is a fake.

Got my words twisted.

Though Tahan is still mean and rude. I just want see some love in that pretty face of hers. :p
My dad was 82 when he died a few years ago, so he was born in the 1930s. I loved him but there was this...element to him I could never ignore. He was a real ocker sort of Australian, oddly enough compared to me, and he was incapable of telling a story without bringing it back to race. They all went "I was standing behind this Lebanese bloke in the supermarket and..." or "this Asian bird pulled in front of me and..." and I'd be like "is this fact going to be relevant to the story?" Turns out, no.

The thing is he was ocker but he was the most non-aggressive person you could imagine, we had that in common. I don't know if I ever heard him say anything "racist" per se, but he was incapable of not seeing race. As in race was the first and most important thing he noted, unconsciously. brother on the other hand...just this week he was ranting about "Asians buying up all the property". I was going to make a point about the free market, then I stopped (then I realised if I was on BB people would complain about me not "being genuine" haha. But I know not to bother with him). It's possible even this comment is not out-and-out racism.

So yes. I think you're right that we don't suffer as much of the violent racism that other nations suffer, but there is an undercurrent there. But I think a lot of it requires generational change to fix.

Excellent post. Your last sentence is the cherry on the cake: But I think a lot of it requires generational change to fix.

I do see another dimension to this issue. The concept of racism seems to imply superiority of one race over another. I can't put it any simpler but I think many of you will agree.
I reside in Brisbane which is the best city in Queensland, which is the best State in Australia, which is the best country in the world... sound familiar? We have the worlds safest Airline, the worlds best and most affordable public transport, the worlds best schools (God save our children - thank you Tahan), the worlds best climate, the worlds healthiest produce... and so it goes. If you are honest, you will admit that I have barely scratched the surface.

Al right, when our little girls and boys are old enough to understand the basics of this mythology, they will cling to and build on it as they grow because it's just so cool to live in the best country in the world. Is it fair to assume that by the time the kids have grown into young adults they might just feel that little bit superior to other 'races' or 'ethnic groups' considering that only they can lay claim to being pure citizens of the best country in the world?

I have observed this trend not only in Australia, but also in th U.S., New-Zealand and Canada, admittedly to varying degrees, but the underlying principle is the same. I wouldn't claim to know WHY these countries in particular seem to have these traits, maybe it is somehow linked to the once almighty British Empire... this is pure speculation on my part.

On the other side of the coin we have great nations scattered all over the globe, in Europe, Asia, Africa, on every continent, yet none of those claim that they are superior or special because they have God on their side. Well, in the spirit of correctness, there are still a handful of deranged nutters who believe they are special because they have God on their side. But... the principle is the same: I live in the best country or I am a member of a nation that God has chosen to be special - therefore I am superior.

If you think I am making this up, read a bit of history instead of watching ACA on CH9.

This then, this feeling of superiority is what we have to overcome if we want to eradicate racism.
Apologies. I meant Mikkayla is a fake.

Got my words twisted.

Though Tahan is still mean and rude. I just want see some love in that pretty face of hers. :p

Just when I thought you'd seen the light, she who enjoys to cause confusion and pain, Eris herself has wiggled her twisted schemes into your otherwise immaculate brain and created chaos.
Ignore her I say, ignore her as you would maggots feasting on an old donkey's intestines. I myself shall despatch of the impudent wench to where she belongs - Hades - and not the Club Med kind of Hades, but the part where the culprits are chained to glowing rocks for eternity.

And now to you Shackles: FYI Tahan is neither mean nor rude. She can be capricious but this shouldn't come as a surprise to you as our Tahan outside of the BB house is really the gorgeous, irresistable goddess of love, yes, Aphrodite herself. There.

If you want to see some love in that pretty face of hers, your wish shall be granted. Set your alarm for 2:30 AM for at 3:00 AM sharp Aphrodite aka Tahan and I shall meet for our nightly coquetry... the love you will have the privilege of seeing in Tahan's eyes could easily cause blindness to the untrained eye... perhaps a pair of very dark shades would be a good idea :p
It doesn't...or shouldn't. I re-posted yesterday explaining this. Perhaps I should edit my original post so as not to cause confusion :)

Re: Highlighted bit ..... Why would that make any difference???? :confused::confused::confused: