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Official Big Brother Australia LIVE


Active Member
Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the point or what they are trying to do with the Official Big Brother Australia LIVE posts on FB, TWITTER AND IG the fact we don't get to know whats happening so they are keeping us up to date (as live feeds are no longer) .... I read the feeds all day then watch the show and all the feeds are on the it's nothing new to me what's the point? I thought they would at least update with things they won't show that night!
4 of your 7 comments are complaints about the show.
if you dont like it, dont watch it.
(unless youre still stuck in that captive situation,then you should call 000 instead of posting here...)
4 of your 7 comments are complaints about the show.
if you dont like it, dont watch it.
(unless youre still stuck in that captive situation,then you should call 000 instead of posting here...)

LOL oh the hero is back! And to those 7 comments you have said negative comments about me! If you don't like it, don't read it! Forums are to express how you feel good or bad, there are plenty of negative comments on the show in threads go annoy them! But one more note just be careful cause you may sound like a massive hypocrite! As you are no saint with your posts

"so lemmie get this straight,
on Monday, we're doin the twist AND getting the daily show for FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY?!

ok, now I'm getting annoyed at nine, sure everything else they've done hasn't been to bad in my eyes, but trying to cram 3 days into not even a 1/2 hr segment.... what fucking bullshit."

if it's "Fucking bullshit" and you don't like it don't watch it!
IMO the updates this year are too brief - last year they were much more detailed, particularly when HMs were having conversations.

And the live video clips on Tuesday (as well as the updates) were like 90% task-related when I for one would rather them be about the housemates' interactions and the friendships that are forming. That's how they were last year, so why should this year be any different?
I agree that they're too brief, it'd be nice if they put more detail in it and less personal opinion as well. I often read them and find the context to be completely different to how it is when I see it on the daily show.