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Ed's family prostituting him for save votes


Garden Variety Troll.....
Awesome site donor

Apparently Ed's family planned to offer a 'date' with Ed if you spend $50+ on save votes for him when his voting percentages were in serious doubt of getting him through, especially for a dbl eviction...

The article also suggests that this is the reason Ed doesn't want a relationship in the house such as with Jade, because he needs to keep himself 'available'....

Interesting strategy I suppose although I doubt it will see him through to winning :p
Thy put this on the Ed Lower FB page but its been removed since! A bit sad really and I think it is a major factor as to why Ed isn't really being himself....

I guess you have to go to lengths like this when you know the guy hasn't got much of a personality to get him through..
At the end of the day - Ed isn't going to win the show, so who really cares. He'll be gone soon enough.
Hhmm...if this was his family's strategy then it will be interesting to see how many votes he gets next time he's up. Cant see this being a very sustainable strategy somehow ahahahaha
Out of all the current HMs, Ed's the only one who I wouldn't want to win, even though I dislike Mikkayla more. He gets by just on his looks and whenever he talks, I always zone out because he's so dull. Today I was thinking about who I think deserves to win and I was thinking that no one deserves it more than anyone else (regardless of the fact that I have my favourites to win), but I've realised that Ed really doesn't deserve to win, especially with this double-date competition thing giving him an advantage.
Out of all the current HMs, Ed's the only one who I wouldn't want to win, even though I dislike Mikkayla more. He gets by just on his looks and whenever he talks, I always zone out because he's so dull. Today I was thinking about who I think deserves to win and I was thinking that no one deserves it more than anyone else (regardless of the fact that I have my favourites to win), but I've realised that Ed really doesn't deserve to win, especially with this double-date competition thing giving him an advantage.