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Big brother Facebook page removed?

Weird! They could be going throug and deleting things for some reason ?
Loaded but had a message on it saying "Sorry, but this Page didn't load properly. Please try again."

None of official wall postings are available.
No problems with it at 10:05pm (and 10:14pm)

Works if you view as "Posts by page" but not if you view as "Highlights"
When I click on posts by page, the most recent one is from the 27th...
The page is now working fine when viewed in Highlights mode, for me (didn't need to clear cache).
Yeah, it seems to be working fine now but before I was getting the message about the page not loading properly as some have mentioned. I thought some hack attack had occurred on it or bb was removing all their own content for some reason.
Maybe they were deleting all those shitty Ed puns they did... Seriously, how old is the person running that page?