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BBAU Most Sexual Moment

I felt there was just as much the other way too TBH - You have Sophie in the DR blabbing on about Chad meanwhile we get cut aways to him flexing shirtless or lathering up in the shower a few times IIRC, haha.
Remember the girl in BB05 who had a big crush on Tim Brunero? I can't remember her name, but she was like a school kid, playing practical jokes on him, etc, which just seemed to piss him off. It culminated in them ending up in the rewards room together and her trying to entice him to take a bath with her by rolling around in there like a sea lion whilst he pretended not to notice. Awkward.
He was so disgusted by her belching ... he tried telling her that there was medication she could take for that.
all she wanted to do was keep repeating ... Pardon me for being rude, it wasn't me it was "me" food
And he only had eyes for "Kate" ... I was thrilled Logan Greg won over him and I hated Vesna