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After tomorrow night, Estelle has this in the BAG!

Uan well written and really to a fair person should ring true.

The real truth of the matter struck home to me a week or two ago when I was surprised a gay friend who I hadnt seen for a while said to me how much of a "biatch" Ben was. I was aghast that he wouldn't be supporting him.

He said as a gay man he knew exactly where Estelle was in terms of being shat upon by society and favored her to win because of her position as the outcast.

So there you are.

Eye - Please tell your gay friend he is not alone. As gay men, my partner and I also cannot stand Ben. He is a complete bitch and we LOATHE his pontificating and condescending platitudes, while he then goes and bitches behind people's backs after he has spoken with them.

Vile faggot(hey, if blacks can use the "n" word, we can call other gays that!)

I was voting for Sam but since he is a lost cause, I will DEFINITELY be voting to save Estelle!!!
Where is Michael's responsibility in this? He is just as much responsible as anything else. He is never not a willing and initiating partner in this so called "flirting" which I am not even sure if it's that.

The male attention thing. I am sorry we have seen no actual proof she's anything like those in the house are saying when bitching. She just has to be near a guy and is called a flirt.

As I have said in other threads Michael is very much responsible he is an absolute snake and is as much to blame if not more. I wrote my opinion based on my observations of the limited footage shown of them in the house and I have noticed her flirting.

This is an Estelle thread so I was commenting on her, if it was a Michael thread I'd comment on him.

I am NOT an Estelle hater and don't have a favourite housemate so my opinions are not skewed by a desire for a particular person to win.

They are just my observations based on what I have learnt over the years re the way people interact and the way people respond to the way people interact.
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Really? You're gay? Holy crap what a revelation, yeah this and the other 54738294057 times you have mentioned it. WE GET IT YOU'RE GAY, GUESS WHAT, SO IS ABOUT 30% OF THIS FORUM, GET THE HELL OVER IT!

Also Estelle doesn't have it in the bag, she has a great shot at the win but Michael and Layla will still be in there as favourites. Many voters will come out of the woodwork for the final vote.

I think he was trying to make a point, as I was also that just being gay does not instantly mean you will side with the house fag.

People at work are SHOCKED when I bad mouth Ben.

If he's a vile homo he's a vile person. It's reverse affirmative action - just because somebody's black should they instantly get the job over a white person? That, in my eyes, is just as reprehensible as racism.