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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2019) - Episode Discussion

ok, I thought he was taken. He's mine. Thankyou.

Done :)

1. Fiona (Richard Reid)
2. kxk (Jacqui Lambie)
3. adsyj (Luke Jacobz)
4. Affable (AJ Rochester)
5. delcan (Dermott Brereton)
6. Kaz (Natasha Exelby)
7. Medusa (Justin Lacko)
8. BigBro (Justine Schoefield)
9. joyjoyjoy (Tahir Bilgic)
10. Mr Stickyfingers (Sam Dastyari)
11. oddjob
12. tess
@Mr Stickyfingers, I want your celebrity. lol

...if Affable is okay with it then I will if you wish Kaz... from what I've seen of that guy... I don't like him at all... I have no idea who your pick is but at least she's not him lol!... so Affable... can Kaz and I swap my friend?... cheers.
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1. Fiona (Richard Reid)
2. kxk (Jacqui Lambie)
3. adsyj (Luke Jacobz)
4. Affable (AJ Rochester)
5. delcan (Dermott Brereton)
6. Mr Stickyfingers (Natasha Exelby)
7. Medusa (Justin Lacko)
8. BigBro (Justine Schoefield)
9. joyjoyjoy (Tahir Bilgic)
10. Kaz (Sam Dastyari)
11. oddjob
12. tess