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Masterchef 2018


How is that even possible? Against this fugly George and Gary were getting regular action from?

Another similarity with House Rules. Throughout this series they pitted a "nice" team against a "nasty" team, made it look like the nasty team could win, and then at the last moment went for the result that would sit better with the public. Not that Ben was nasty, but he was clearly not as loved as the other contestants, and a win would have resulted in a huge backlash.
Ben "I surprise myself every day, the quality of the dishes I've been putting up" etc etc.

...I wouldn't have been able to bear listening to Ben's drivel like that... I would have probably busted my TV screen methinks!...

Thanks for taking it for the team @oddjob and @Meglos. I can't watch but am occasionally flicking to this thread whilst I watch Anthony Bourdain and read up on Survivor Contestants

...hear! hear! to that... you are all braver people than me that's for sure... lol!... you're legends!...

Ben has done fish and peas. If they don’t pull him up for too basic a dish the last shred of objectivity on this show is gone.

...and did they?... I bet that they didn't oddjob...

What has Heston brought us? If it’s a well cooked fish and a carrot I’m calling bullshit.

...bwahahaha!... again... did he?... lol!...

I’m surprised that room hasn’t exploded with Heston’s and Ben’s egos in the same space.

...bwahahahahaha!... funny funny funny!... but so true lol!...

Still watching. Sashi way ahead, but I'm not feeling safe yet, they could still rig a Ben win on the dessert and spin it like he's the underdog who comes from behind.

I'm praying all of you are right, because if Ben wins's proof that this show is rigged.

...thankfully by the sounds of it from reading all of the posts on here they didn't!...

Woohooooooooooooooo![DOUBLEPOST=1533037956][/DOUBLEPOST]So happy!

Thank God!
Ben, you can now go back into obscurity!

It's just as well Heston was there, betcha Gary and George got overruled

...woohooooooo!... I never thought for even a second that Sashi would be allowed to win this... not at all... well done Sashi!...

That’s it! No more! It’s done.

I need to check the fridge for some alcohol

...I'll drink to that oddjob! **HIC!**...

Whoo hoo indeed

...who woulda thunk it eh?... lol!...

WTF? Who won? I need it told to me in a blunt manner. Surely it was Ben?

...hahahaha!... that's EXACTLY what I was thinking when I came on here to read everyone's posts lol!...


How is that even possible? Against this fugly George and Gary were getting regular action from?


...I might go onto Tenplay and watch the last 10 minutes just to see how it all happened methinks!... I still find it incredible to think that Sashi was allowed to win it... I just cannot get my head around it lol!...

OMG, we did it!!

Thanks for enduring it with me oddjob, beachsands, Evan44, sav001 and Affable.

Sorry you didn't watch it Mr Stickyfingers, delcan, kxk, it actually turned out great.

...I'm so happy for all of you that did take a bullet for us and were brave enough to sit through the Ben show... all credit to you all for doing that... that took guts... but you were rewarded for your efforts with a Sashi win lol!... to all of you... I tip my hat... well done!... cheers.
I havent watched yet...came here to see who won and now I can watch it...phew what a relief..that was a close one!!
Now shut up Ben!!!![DOUBLEPOST=1533043952][/DOUBLEPOST]
...I wouldn't have been able to bear listening to Ben's drivel like that... I would have probably busted my TV screen methinks!...

...hear! hear! to that... you are all braver people than me that's for sure... lol!... you're legends!...

...and did they?... I bet that they didn't oddjob...

...bwahahaha!... again... did he?... lol!...

...bwahahahahaha!... funny funny funny!... but so true lol!...

...thankfully by the sounds of it from reading all of the posts on here they didn't!...

...woohooooooo!... I never thought for even a second that Sashi would be allowed to win this... not at all... well done Sashi!...

...I'll drink to that oddjob! **HIC!**...

...who woulda thunk it eh?... lol!...

...hahahaha!... that's EXACTLY what I was thinking when I came on here to read everyone's posts lol!...

...I might go onto Tenplay and watch the last 10 minutes just to see how it all happened methinks!... I still find it incredible to think that Sashi was allowed to win it... I just cannot get my head around it lol!...

...I'm so happy for all of you that did take a bullet for us and were brave enough to sit through the Ben show... all credit to you all for doing that... that took guts... but you were rewarded for your efforts with a Sashi win lol!... to all of you... I tip my hat... well done!... cheers.
Hey...I sat through the Ben show too!!
Ben has done fish and peas. If they don’t pull him up for too basic a dish the last shred of objectivity on this show is gone.
...and did they?... I bet that they didn't oddjob...

They actually did, they didn't like either of Ben's first two dishes at all, the highest score they gave was a 7.
It was a rare example of honesty, and Ben must have been bamboozled that for some reason he wasn't being praised like they'd agreed in the script.