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Episode Day 43 (20/10/14) - Daily Show

Seriously, though.


Just watching..

Hmm Priya recruiting her team. I thought she was a lone wolf but she's gathering those who she feels are popular and who she can manipulate, dropping bombs like 'it's a divided house'. Smart. I think it's funny though that she talks about someone else's alliance while doing the same thing lol. Interesting, doesn't count Leo in, no wonder she was planting seeds of doubt with Skye.

Haha actually love that task. Don't know what you were all bitching about, the worse voice the more entertaining it is for me lol.

Ugh. Playing the game. You all are. Except Travis because you're too dumb.
Dave! Dropping those truth bombs. I love it.

Eww Clawson. Dave's face lol!!

Leo always wipes his mouth after kisses haha

Cat.. oops my dress fell off lol.

Eww to the pash fest..:vomit:

Lawson shitfaced!! Haha
Bruh this episode was good. My fave moments

- David with the big KO at the dinner table taking down all the big players, and Travis getting behind him "DAYVVOOOOO" was classic.
- Lawson being white boy wasted and finally airing his feelings out. Some people are better drunk.
- Cat flashing her titties
- Dave grilling Skye and Leo about their 'relationship' which is weird af considering Leo looks like Skye's father.
- Priya setting up Cat and Lawson.
- The various times Cat and Lawsons make out session was intruded
No Jason, if I was Lawson's girlfriend I would be sending in the eat shit and die break up letter.

I would put on a pretty dress, grab my girlfriends and dance into the next chapter of my life story.