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Episode Day 43 (20/10/14) - Daily Show

Jason saying Candice should break down the doors and drag lawson out of there?

Fuck I hate that kind of attitude.

No Candice should be like, 'well fuck that guy.' Then be done with him for good.

Or if she feels like it come out for dinner with me ;)

Oh the episode, quite entertaining, but I must admit, after they first hooked up and showed the ad for tomorrow. I almost turned it off thinking it was the end of the episode.

Lawson, oh how chivalourous... cheating on your girlfriend on TV. Saying I love you to another girl on TV after a long protracted love affair of will they won't they. Then being like, 'she can break up with me.' What a fucking cock head. Trying to shift that burden on to her. You made up your fucking mind, you said you stand by what you did. So fucking own it and don't try and shift that burden on to her. You ended it. You don't need her to tell you that you did. Fuck you!

David, eh don't be an arsehole. You seem like a little shit of a kid breaking the toys other kids are playing with because you can't play. When you sit there and talk about baiting, about butting in to destroy peoples good time.

Singing, eh... Jason is an Idol contestant who doesn't know they can't sing.

I wish we saw more of Leo's attempt at rapping the lyrics.

Oh and Cat, the whole, 'Oh I accidentally just took my clothes of in front of you move.' Bahahaha!
Why can't any ladies do that to me?

Jason saying Candice should break down the doors and drag lawson out of there?

Fuck I hate that kind of attitude.

No Candice should be like, 'well fuck that guy.' Then be done with him for good.

Or if she feels like it come out for dinner with me ;)

Oh the episode, quite entertaining, but I must admit, after they first hooked up and showed the ad for tomorrow. I almost turned it off thinking it was the end of the episode.

Lawson, oh how chivalourous... cheating on your girlfriend on TV. Saying I love you to another girl on TV after a long protracted love affair of will they won't they. Then being like, 'she can break up with me.' What a fucking cock head. Trying to shift that burden on to her. You made up your fucking mind, you said you stand by what you did. So fucking own it and don't try and shift that burden on to her. You ended it. You don't need her to tell you that you did. Fuck you!

David, eh don't be an arsehole. You seem like a little shit of a kid breaking the toys other kids are playing with because you can't play. When you sit there and talk about baiting, about butting in to destroy peoples good time.

Singing, eh... Jason is an Idol contestant who doesn't know they can't sing.

I wish we saw more of Leo's attempt at rapping the lyrics.

Oh and Cat, the whole, 'Oh I accidentally just took my clothes of in front of you move.' Bahahaha!
Why can't any ladies do that to me?
Always love your posts (well this season anyway) :)

Ryan, after a long day of designing graphics, wanted to unwind to a good DVD and maybe even a line of crack. He went to his wallet and saw that it was bare! What was he to do? He couldn't possibly unwind without the subtle scent of crack lingering in his mouth! Still he went to the backstreets, hoping that the drug dealers would be generous for he was a regular customer of him. He met up with the drug dealer, lingering in his usual corner of the dark alleyway.
"Hello Dan the Drug Man! How are you?" Said Ryan,
"I am good, what can I get you today? A Perfect Pinga? A Wicked Weed? Spicy Ice?" Said Dan the Drug Man!
"I want some Cunt-Worthy Crack thanks but I don't have any money!"
"Oh Dear," said Dan, "Well there is a job you could do for me and if you do it properly, you might get a freebie!"
"Cool! What is is this job?"
"It's called a Blow-Job"
"Do you have excess leaves in your garden you want me to blow out with an Air Blower?
"No you fucking wanker! I want you to suck my dick!!!"
"Oh okay then!" Ryan then proceeded to pull down Dan the Drug Man's trousers to his knees and gave him the worlds best blowjob. Back and forth he went, making it go deeper into his throat with every forward motion. Dan was certainly enjoying this as all Ryan could hear were sounds of intense pleasure.
"I'm gonna blow" Whispered Dan as his package of love was delivered down Ryan's throat. "That was entirely satisfactory for a line of crack!" Dan then proceeded to give Ryan a small plastic bag full of crack which he took with glee! Ryan ran back to his house and got out an American $100 Bill and snorted the substance. He then watched "The Little Mermaid" on his TV!

The End!
David poorly articulated his intent, I think. By making the housemates uncomfortable just by interacting with them, it makes them look shallow, immature, and just shitty people. He's essentially advising Sandra to turn herself into an underdog, and we all know Australia loves an underdog.

Especially a cute one with razor sharp observations and sexy intelligence.


David has been slowly creeping up there for me, but after tonight's episode he's my #1.
Selective much? Why isn't it "fuckwit Skye can't hear that priya has the voice of angel" considering she (rightly) agreed with him?

Because Skye is perfect, duh! You must agree with Skye at all times otherwise her stans will bitch about you non stop. Skye is perfect - she could murder someone, and Skye stans would still think that is ok. Because she's Skye and she is not manipulative at all.