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Episode Day 24 (1/10/2014) Intruder Special

I dont think too many people care about where Bieber comes from, even the Canadians would probably disown him, if they could. He is on the list of people who are here for a good time, not a long time, unless he ends up in jail and learns a few life lessons pretty quickly.

Haha oh of course, sadly he was the first Canadian that came to mind, which is a bit sad really for a number of reasons. Surely I can think of someone better. Chad Kroger? Avril Lavigne? Umm...
This kinky under the cover action with Jake and Skye is making me feel like I'm watching a peep show.
Lol Seeing as how they made out in his bed, I think only Skye will know now whether Jake is gay or not. If she doesn't come back into his bed next few days... Most likely he is gay I reckon. No boner no play lol
The housemates slapping Lawson with the fish is priceless, easily the best part of the yes/no. Where is Big Brother to stop, the talk about nomination.

good list. I can work them all out except for 'creepy' - who were you thinking here?
Creepy is Jason, who creeps around and listens in on conversations, but then again, I guess it could refer to David too, who is weird-creepy, and listens in on conversations too. Hmm, it was a bit ambiguous. Maybe I should have said "Crawly" instead. of "Creepy."
Thoughts on tonight's episode:

  1. I feel like they are trying to cram in so much into one show.. The episode felt super jumpy, however considering they have never really put together a "live" intruder special mixed with a daily show and a nominations package the production team are doing something different and I am 100% FOR the producers doing things differently. Hopefully if they continue to do this they can blend it better.
  2. I am ABSOLUTELY HATING the live audience, the oohs and ahhs totally cheapens every scene and makes it feel super cheesy..
  3. "Live" crosses to Sonia clocked in at 12 minutes and 30 second! There is so much filler in this show and all of the time that is allocated to Sonia chatting aimlessly over screaming children could easily be cut for more daily show footage.. I am sure there is days of footage we could watch instead.
  4. 18 minutes was allocated to nominations and I am super HAPPY about this. The nominations don't need an entirely separate show, when it can literally be reduced to 18 minutes (and even for me some bits could have been cut) that leaves so much more time for daily show footage.
  5. There has been talk about the housemates being able to talk nominations, OMG YAS!! I actually DISLIKE when people say "omg I hate these new rules, BRING BACK THE OLD RULES".. You are actually killing the concept.. The show needs to be able to explore new formats and new ideas. If anything you want to NURTURE new ideas and new concepts so the show doesn't die of old age. However I doubt they will be able to talk about nominations all season once they know they can and do it more obviously.
  6. Alex M knows that he will never bring back 'vote to evict' because if he places enough people on the nominations (the minimum for this season looks at being 6) it is impossible for the audience to evict people we dislike. The chances of Travis having the least amount of votes to save is going to be impossible. Therefore my annoyance of Travis will be ongoing until the final at least, blergh.
  7. The new intruder having never watched Tv, I mean are you kidding? I hope he is out as soon as possible just because true fans deserve to win the show and random men who are placed inside the house because clearly they have connections don't deserve more than a week.
  8. I would rank this episode in the top 5 this season because so much happened and I didn't want it to end.
  9. I am COMPLETELY over Jason! I think I read somewhere in a thread that he actually has no personality, and I would completely agree. The live audience make it even worse when they are constantly laughing, no doubt thinking "that gay guy is just so funny when he does silly things". He has nothing that slightly resembles gumption.
  10. Considering Priya is not nominated we don't have to spend any money voting to save anyone, yay :)
Haha oh of course, sadly he was the first Canadian that came to mind, which is a bit sad really for a number of reasons. Surely I can think of someone better. Chad Kroger? Avril Lavigne? Umm...

Dating myself of course, but not forgetting the fabulous Anne Murray.
Travis illiteracy is really grinding my goat, my inner grammar Nazi comes out everytime he speaks. In regards to his nomination of Priya, can he even have deep conversations all I've ever heard him speak about is 'chicks and tits'.
I'm really surprised with the reasons housemates are giving for nominations, mainly focusing on strategy. I never thought I'd say this but I agree with Lisa's nomination of Cat, I was feeling the second hand embarrassment when she was dancing in the fish bowl. Hopefully next week BB gives the HOH a different power that what he's given to both Sam and Lawson.
When Sonia asked Katie about them she said something to the effect that Sandra was not going there. I have a feeling Sam has had an off-camera talk with Sandra.

I am willing to see what Leo brings to the house. I just don't like it when they put people in the house that probably did not even audition.

It will be interesting to see what happens the longer Sam and Sandra are in the house. Other HMs say you crave affection in the house.

Leo has been in another reality show from what I've heard. I remember the intro with the Noah's Arc theme and they had two goths/ alternative rock star types. I really hope they will be tend next type of intruders.[DOUBLEPOST=1412219042][/DOUBLEPOST]
When Sonia asked Katie about them she said something to the effect that Sandra was not going there. I have a feeling Sam has had an off-camera talk with Sandra.

I am willing to see what Leo brings to the house. I just don't like it when they put people in the house that probably did not even audition.

It will be interesting to see what happens the longer Sam and Sandra are in the house. Other HMs say you crave affection in the house.

Leo has been in another reality show from what I've heard. I remember the intro with the Noah's Arc theme and they had two goths/ alternative rock star types. I really hope they will be tend next type of intruders.
I do apologize, Kingston. I realize it's something that frustrates Canadians, as @Mrs Butterface pointed out to me. I was being facetious when I mentioned Sonia still being technically correct to call Leo an "American". It was meant in the way that you would refer to people from Europe as Europeans, people from Africa as Africans, people from Asia as Asians, people from North America as North Americans, etc. Living in Australia, I think it's more common to hear people use such a blanket term to describe people living on the continent, and I've heard it used here as such in the past.

I am aware individual countries have their own unique history and culture and understand that with the more general use of "Americans" to describe U.S. citizens, that it's going to irk somebody who lives in America, but not the U.S. to hear themselves described as such.

Talk to anyone from Latin America such as Argentinians, Colombians, Brazilians etc.. and they would beg to differ on that as they most definitely consider themselves to be 'American' not in the nationality sense but in the continent/region of course. They also consider 'America' to be the one continent with a North, Centre and a South, similar to how Europeans label themselves as Souther, Northern, etc..

This an example of cultural differences at play I suppose and the US being the juggernaut that it has being in the military, popular culture and financial fronts for several decades, it has successfully promoted the word 'America' world wide to specifically mean the US of A. Canadians are perhaps the only ones in the region who take umbrage at being referred as to as 'Americans', the sentiments of their other neighbours in the hood though are on the side of the spectrum.
I do not say aboot and I don't know of anyone I have encountered that does... I have noticed that eastern accents do have a more pronounced "ou"... Accent wise there is some overlap in places but we do have fairly distinct differences... I mean to the untrained ear all Australian accents sound very similar... I'd say for your average Canadian it can be hard to tell the difference between an Australian, Kiwi, English, or even South African accent...

I find that Canadians have a kind of sing-song thing happening when they speak... Like their intonation goes up and down, up and down. This was really noticeable when Leo was telling the story of his niece who lost her leg. They also don't have as much of the long drawl on words as Americans.
Talk to anyone from Latin America such as Argentinians, Colombians, Brazilians etc.. and they would beg to differ on that as they most definitely consider themselves to be 'American' not in the nationality sense but in the continent/region of course. They also consider 'America' to be the one continent with a North, Centre and a South, similar to how Europeans label themselves as Souther, Northern, etc..

This an example of cultural differences at play I suppose and the US being the juggernaut that it has being in the military, popular culture and financial fronts for several decades, it has successfully promoted the word 'America' world wide to specifically mean the US of A. Canadians are perhaps the only ones in the region who take umbrage at being referred as to as 'Americans', the sentiments of their other neighbors in the hood though are on the side of the spectrum.

I don't know if I would group Brazilians in with that group as they speak Portuguese and most don't consider themselves "Latin"... The difference between the way Latin American's view this situation is that they have a shared culture, language, values, and religion... That's not to say there isn't proud national identity from within each country but there are many more factors that unite the Latin communities... I'm not sure where you are getting your facts from but they really couldn't be further from the truth... I think any of the groups you've listed would go out of their way to correct you if you called them an American...

BTW South America is actually it's own continent in it's own right...
Other than the diphthong in about (i.e. aboot, that's the only dead give away I'm aware of) are there any significant discernible differences between American and Canadian accents?

Hmm, the best way I could describe it is that it sounds a bit crisper than an American accent.
There's a definite difference in the way they pronounce "o" and "ou" sounds, but the whole "aboot" thing is a bit of a stereotype - it's a bit more like "aboat" if you say the a like some sort of weird merged "a" and "u" sound (sort of like 'oh').

Also, I'm not joking - if someone ends a question with 'eh?', you've got a Canadian. This happens more with rhetorical questions, but if they say something like "Pretty cold oat today, eh?" - you'll have a Canadian.

Then again, sometimes you get the really heavy accents that, in my opinion, just slap you around the face as Canadian, like Mike Babcock's

(There's an example of "aboat" at the 10 sec mark)

Haha oh of course, sadly he was the first Canadian that came to mind, which is a bit sad really for a number of reasons. Surely I can think of someone better. Chad Kroger? Avril Lavigne? Umm...

Brian Adams? Celine Dion?
If you're into the indie music scene, Dallas Green?
Leo (aka Ryan) chose Aisha when asked by BB who he would like after looking at the pics of Housemates...yet BB sent in Lisa
It's a conspiracy!
I don't know if I would group Brazilians in with that group as they speak Portuguese and most don't consider themselves "Latin"... The difference between the way Latin American's view this situation is that they have a shared culture, language, values, and religion... That's not to say there isn't proud national identity from within each country but there are many more factors that unite the Latin communities... I'm not sure where you are getting your facts from but they really couldn't be further from the truth... I think any of the groups you've listed would go out of their way to correct you if you called them an American...

BTW South America is actually it's own continent in it's own right...

Thank you for providing a link that backs up what I just stated:

The use of American as a national demonym for U.S. nationals is challenged, primarily by Latin Americans.[2] Spanish speakers in Spain and Latin America use the term estadounidense to refer to people and things from the United States (from Estados Unidos), whileamericano refers to the continent as a whole.[13][44] Through the 1992 edition the Diccionario de la lengua española, published by the Real Academia Española, did not include the United States definition in the entry for americano; this was added in the 2001 edition.[13][g][45] The Real Academia Española specifically advises against using americanos exclusively for U.S. nationals:[16]

I'm not sure where you are getting your facts from but they really couldn't be further from the truth...

Friends and extended family, the bulk of which comes from said area.

I don't know if I would group Brazilians in with that group as they speak Portuguese and most don't consider themselves "Latin"
I've yet to come across a Brasilero that doesn't.
I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned in this forum, because I wasn't around last night.

But apparently Sandra and Leo know each other. They worked at the same place together.