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Episode Day 24 (1/10/2014) Intruder Special

A double?? Yay! Maybe they DO real this many nominees up how could you pass up that chance?

So many $$$$$$ to be made from voting by ch 9. They may be able to afford another camera so that poor cameraman doesn't have a heart attack running from the sanctuary, back to the house, and then the live stage.
I could be wrong, I'll have to go back and check later, but I'm fairly certain that when Lisa's name was called out she swore and it was muted (as opposed to being bleeped) BUT there was also a split second blur over her mouth too, to try and conceal the word.

There is absolutely no way ever that they can do this (even on a slight delay) if this was actually live.

More proof?
I thought the point of last week's double eviction was so they could make room for the 1st intruder. Now there's a second double eviction, WHY? (Not that I'm really complaining, it's a good week to have it)
This is filmed in Queensland everyone is dressed like it's Queensland
So why is Jake dressed like he's in the North Pole?
We 're seeing a different side to Priya tonight, first relaying her conversation with Skye to Lisa and then bagging out David, again to Lisa.

David made a comment about Sandra's boobs. Did he not learn anything from the whole Lisa boob-gate saga?