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Episode Day 16 (23/09/2014) Live EVICTION #1

What's with all the Travis hate all of a sudden?!?!

The "jock" thing works for the first week. Then when we all work out how dumb Travis is, it wears a bit thin. The public wants a bit more than snogging & innane talk.
I feel out of David and Sandra - Sandra is the bogan. Possibly lesbianism.
:frown: Travis reminds me of the hot, dumb, but popular guys that used to pick on me in school. :joyful:

You are dumb socially Gemma.
WTF makes you think otherwise?
And you need to read what strategy means.
Sonia - Will u announce the evictee already. Im too sick to watch the telly... I cant believe Aisha took the money. I dont like her now..