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Episode Day 16 (23/09/2014) Live EVICTION #1

Ummm yeah that's been sunk in since we found out.

Sadly we didn't see any strategy talk in yesterdays show, I guess they did that so the audience can be surprised when the votes are being made.
It's annoying because they've had soooo much time to think about their decisions now - whereas, spontaneous decision making is much better viewing, especially on Big Brother. Remember BB05's surprise Logan eviction...

I think we're all forgetting about one major flaw of the evening...

Let me just remind you all that the HM's have had 4 days to think (and most likely discuss with each other) about who out of all the nominees they'll want to evict tonight.

Just let that sink in.
Some of them probably can't think that far ahead anyway.
Very ashamed to admit I voted, but I promise I was only doing it because I'd never done it before and wanted to see what would happen.
So that's 55c I'll never get back.
Even more woeful was the fact that I voted for Travis and Cat, as they were the first number I saw :/
Oh no! The dreaded "Knee-Jerk Vote". :(