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Episode Day 44 (10 Sep 13) LATE NIGHT FEAST

Tully is such a cheat i can't wait to she gets out and finds she has been dumped.
And she will wonder why
I really find it annoying that an non contestant is getting so much attention. Tully agreed to go on this show in full knowledge that something like this would happen. this happening means she's not happy in her current relationship. the bb house relationship aren't relationships anyway, there's been many examples of these relationship not lasting adlong as the show itself.

I agree in many ways, but there is the reality that Tahlia is probably (she may not be, I don't know) hurting immensely on the outside. I think its endearing that people are backing her and showing support. Yes Tully may not be happy with the relationship, but that doesn't change the fact there was a relationship and its now broken
I think it's safe to say tully has been finger banged and has the morals of a serial killer haha
Everyone has a choice when it comes to that. I don't care that they're stuck in a house together. If you're in a relationship and you're finding someone attractive you create boundaries, don't play with fire.

But, like I said, it's not even love or anything like that.

All very easy to say with rational, self awareness and upon review of their behavior. When in the house, it might not be so easy to do so. Especially if you don't want to create boundaries and neither Tully nor Drew seem especially willing (or able) to stop what they are doing.
Wow Jade and Ed...once they're out of that house ITS ON! Even if its just for one night... I mean heck if they go into the presidential suite, its on too!
That's pretty harsh. Seriously I'm not even sure what to say to this and I usually can think of something.

For the record - I care about Tully's gf. She didn't CHOOSE to have her gf say how she repeatedly loved her while watching her act completely opposite to that. I feel for her seeing just how much the Aussie public won't stand for that bullshit when push comes to shove because she's the only one seeing how angry/disgruntled people are. And I feel devastated for her seeing how people like Matt, Tahan and Heidi can stay faithful to their partners and yet right now I just saw Drully kiss under a towel again.

Come on man.
Tully is a lot more of an emotionally labile mess than the others with partners. the constant whimpering and crying gives that away immediately.
i have no words. i can't believe tully, i don't know why i'm still shocked when she's been like this for weeks now
I think Tully will drop Drew in a heartbeat once they're out of the house if anything even comes from this.
I think it's safe to say tully has been finger banged and has the morals of a serial killer haha
