Day 55

7:35am – Regina is up making bread. While she cleans the oven, the door she removed slips over and breaks. Regina gasps and says “oh no, oh shit”. She immediately goes outside and starts setting up the barbecue to make the break.

9:55am – Jaime is showering. Patrick is up and asks Regina whats up. She laughs and says she did accidentally break the oven door. It fell over and shattered into a hundred pieces. They both laugh. Inside the kitchen Regina has cleaned up as best she can and hidden away the broken door, so the oven is just there without a door. Patrick jokes:

Patrick: Yeah well you’ll find with the door missing it won’t work really well. It works a lot better with the door on it.. yeah.

12:00pm – In the bedroom Patrick asks the other housemates if anyone used his face wash as body wash. Half of it has gone in a day. The housemates must remain in the bedroom until Big Brother has replaced the oven door.

1:28pm – In the kitchen Daniel says they will definately buy some more soap on Monday so things don’t break out into accusations. Jaime says its getting to the point where they will have to share soap. Daniel says there are some fungi’s going on. He goes on to say he’s had fungi on his face and he used the towel Jaime is wearing on his face. Its hard to tell whether Daniel’s joking or not but Jaime rushes into the house taking the towel off himself. He says he’s paranoid about the fungi now. Chrissie says not to worry: what Daniel had was an allergic rash to the chlorine in the pool.

4:41pm – Vincent has been called to the diary room. Inside he finds a pamper pack for Kim as a reward for his facial task yesterday. He takes the pack out to Kim and explains what happened. Regina says “no way holy shit!” but Kim is more concerned why she gets the prize and not Vincent. Kim looks through the pack and screams in excitement, saying “thanks Vincent!”. Kim explains she was so shocked about the facial, but wonders what he gets out of it. Saxon gets frustrated about it, saying Daniel gives massages all the time why does Kim suddenly get a prize for receiving a massage.

Vincent returns to the diary room and finds bags of lollies and a letter to the housemates. Before Vincent gets a chance to read the letter the housemates are already right into the bags of lollies. The letter reads that Big Brother will be throwing them an animal costume party. They must pick what animal they are out of a basket.

Saxon is a monkey.
Patrick is an elephant.
Jaime is a (rude) teddy bear.
Regina is a crocodile.
Vincent is a snake.
Daniel is a lion.
Chrissie is a rhino.
(Kim is not shown)

4:51pm – Kim asks Vincent if he knew about not getting himself a prize for the task. Vincent says he only got satisfaction that he got Kim a prize. He thought he’d failed it at first. Saxon gives him a hug for his efforts. She says he was very convincing. She jokes he was offered $20 000 to do it. Saxon says to touch Kim’s face he’d have to be offered at least $50 000.

5:18pm – Housemates are making their own party animal costumes.

8:22pm – The party has started. Saxon and Vincent are now allowed to drink alcohol after their week long ban. Some of the housemates are dancing.

9:05pm – Housemates are in a conga line with their animal tails. Jaime’s breaks and he says “so much for my sewing talents”. There is conga music playing throughout the house. Later there are housemates dancing by the pool.

9:59pm – The mood has died down now as they realise two people will be evicted very soon. Chrissie curses the exit door “bad door, you take our friends away!” while Daniel hits the naughty door.

Later in the night the housemates are singing together, while Saxon says “this is it, this is it”. Regina gets teary.

10:42pm – Regina is in the kitchen upset. She explains to Chrissie she doesn’t want to go back to her life outside. Chrissie says this is the first time she’s felt like herself.

Regina: I don’t want to go back to my life

Later Kim is in the bedroom with Regina.

Regina: I’ve been to Europe, I’ve been married, but this tops the lot. It does, it really does.

12:19am – A very drunk Saxon is in the spa and says to Chrissie he misses her (Jo). Kim, who is in the spa with him says he is young and needs to be open minded and ask, is Tim really for her? Is there a chance of being with her? Saxon says the only thing he has to hold on to is Jo is the most amazing person he’s ever met. He would love her even if she was the most unattractive person on the earth.

Saxon: I’ve never met anyone with such an amazing personality.

Kim: Oh bullshit Saxon

Saxon: I haven’t. She is so intelligent.

Kim: So is Chrissie. Chrissie is heaps amazing. Chrissie’s energetic, she’s fun. Chrissie’s smart. Don’t bullshit Saxon. And I will also put it to you that if Richard (her partner) didn’t have a good body like the way he is, or anyone, it wouldn’t be the same.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 54

10:06am – Today is Saxon’s turn to be the alpha male of the house. He is up in the kitchen and tells Regina he’s feeling a bit sick. Regina asks if he had too much wine. Saxon says “think about it Reggie, I didn’t drink wine”. She laughs at the missing wine bottle from yesterday. She and Patrick determine it’s sickness from lack of wine.

Vincent has been given a personal dilemma task: he must convince Kim to let him give her a massage and facial without her finding out it’s a task.

Meanwhile Saxon is yelling about how he hasn’t been putting much effort into his sleep. Patrick says he shouldn’t be smiling, but Saxon assures him that alpha males don’t have to be angry all the time they just have to put their point across… in this case loudly. He screams at Patrick not to talk, because Patrick is only a beta male, and Saxon is the alpha. Jaime walks in and Regina stumbles over his name, Jaime jokingly says “great three weeks later and you still can’t remember my name”.

Last night Vincent was massaging Regina on her bed with Daniel behind them. Regina thought she was being massaged by Daniel and when she turned over and saw it was Vincent, burst out into laughter. Now she’s afraid she upset Vincent, and is discussing it with Chrissie by the pool. Chrissie says he understands because he likes that whole “sexy man of mystery thing”. Chrissie found it hilarious because she was watching last night and knew Regina didn’t know it was Vincent:

Chrissie: You see Dan doing it is like me doing it, but when Vincent does it… it’s different. It’s sexier or something. It’s more forbidden.

Vincent is shaving in the bathroom. Jaime has now joined the girls outside and explains how he saw the massage last night. Chrissie jokes that Regina and Vincent’s relationship suddenly jumped out unknown to her. They start joking about a wedding ring. Daniel joins in: “it was getting too much work so I had to outsource”.

Regina goes inside to make her bed, and is joined by Vincent who has finished shaving. She asks him if he had a good sleep, he did. There is a looong awkward silence.

2:05pm – Vincent has been given creams and lotions for Kim’s massage. Meanwhile Kim is outside discussing evictions with Regina, who thought Chrissie would have been more upset about Jo leaving last Sunday. Kim thinks maybe Chrissie is playing the game after all.

Chrissie meanwhile is in the pool and asks Saxon if he is looking forward to leaving the house. He is, but doesn’t want to keep on with behaviour which advertises that fact. He’s just going to ride it out and have fun along the way.

Regina and Kim both come to the conclusion they don’t have the brainpower to come up with a strategy to win.

Eviction talk is continuing all throughout the BB compound. Saxon queries Daniel, who says he has prepared so many times to leave and hasn’t been evicted. At this moment in time he doesn’t really want to go.

2:59pm – Vincent has little time left to make his move on Kim. He’s in the kitchen and jokes with Regina whether he should be “going like this” (he starts massaging her shoulders). They both laugh. Vincent then proposes he “do something different” and give a Kim a massage since he has “all these products who were given to me for free”. Regina jokes that Vincent is going to rub her down. Kim doesn’t sound all that keen but says she will do it. Vincent leaves to prepare.

Kim: How embarrassing, I don’t want him touching me.

Regina: Nah let him go

Kim: You make sure you watch.

Vincent has set up outside the bathroom. Meanwhile Saxon and Daniel are enjoying a spa. Kim lies down on the makeshift massage table Vincent has created and asks if she should take off her top. Saxon says “no, leave everything on, it’s not one of those things”. Regina laughs.

Kim: I haven’t had a massage in so long. So I don’t think it would matter what anyone did it would still be beautiful.

3:24pm – The massage is continuing. They have moved on to massaging Kim’s face. She’s never had one before. Regina watches on from the bedroom. While massaging Vincent says that since Kim is always giving other people in the house things he wanted to give something back.

3:41pm – The facial is complete. Kim says it was great and walks into the bedroom. Regina is laughing to herself. Kim walks outside and tells the others what Vincent did for her. Saxon calls Vincent to come and serenate him. Vincent immediately goes to the diary room and asks Big Brother if BB will reveal “the true nature of the purpose of the facial” to the other housemates and whether the prize will be awarded. BB will get back to him, and for now he must keep it a secret.

10:25pm – The girls are in the bedroom whispering. Kim is worried about her partner and what he will think about Vincent massaging her. Before she entered the house her partner told her he didn’t want anyone touching her. Regina adds her husband Adrian said that too but you can’t avoid it.. it’s only innocent stuff.

Chrissie: It’s not like you and Vincent are going to get it on.

Kim: No fucking way.

In the kitchen the boys are having a discussion of their own. Jaime says it’s been interesting watching the development of Kimmy since she entered the house. She was quiet at first, then went excessive and tried to impress, and now she’s relaxed. They all like the girl she is now.

Chrissie is telling Kim what happened last night with Vincent massaging Regina. She cracks up laughing. Regina adds that she was saying “oh Dan thats so nice” while Vincent was massaging her.

The boys seem to have run out of things to say because they are sitting in the kitchen in silence.

Kim tells the girls that Vincent’s facial massage was shit. She also says she was really embarrassed. Chrissie says it sounds mean because Vincent is really trying to open up compared to what he used to be like.

Jaime is explaining to Vincent in the kitchen that everything is so sensitive and “touchy feely” in the house – you don’t want to upset anyone. Vincent says its because all your senses are amplified in the house, because they don’t have any distractions.

Chrissie thinks Jaime is a great guy, but feels he only wants to bond by gossiping, which is something Chrissie doesn’t want to do. Kim really liked him but now can’t handle him. Chrissie still likes him.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 53

6:03am – Regina and Patrick are on shift for the fishing task. Daniel has slept under the kitchen table as part of the shifts. He gets up and starts making a tea for Regina. Regina and Patrick comment on how slow he is at making tea. Chrissie is up now and walks out to talk to the others. They discuss the task and Patrick says that Saxon is having trouble with the task because he can’t sit in the same place for two hours. Patrick and Regina have agreed to have a warm spa before catching some sleep once their fishing shift finishes. Daniel goes to check the temperature of the spa but it’s way too hot: 40 degrees. They complain that Saxon sets the thermostat too high.

10:03am – Patrick is insisting that they only use one chick to have a roast dinner tonight, even though there are eight people to feed. Chrissie (who is now fishing) says she’s not going to try and argue with him. She says she will just cook lots of vegtables to fill the gap – because Saxon can eat an entire chicken on his own. She asks Regina to weigh the chicken – Reg confirms that it’s 2.5kg, which they thing will be hardly enough. Daniel says he doesn’t know if it’s Patrick’s day to be alpha male or not, but he doesn’t want to argue with him either.

In the bedroom Saxon asks Chrissie if she thinks they will fail the task. Chrissie says “yeah I reckon”.

12:03pm – The fishing task continues. The housemates can’t have the same partner twice in this task and must follow a very strict set of rules. Regina is telling Vincent that she’s a very boring fishing partner but Vincent says he’s no better. Vincent pulls the float out of the water which is against the rules and will result in the housemates losing points on the task. In the bedroom Saxon plays around with Kim by pulling pillows she is lying on out from beneath her. Saxon is annoyed about having only one chicken split eight ways to eat for dinner tonight.

Regina is called to the diary room. Big Brother tells her to remind the other housemates about the rules of the task, as they are very close to failing it. They must be holding the rod with one hand at all times and must not let the float leave the water or touch the sides of the pool.

2:21pm – Kim knocks off her hat and screams because she thinks there is a spider on the back of her neck. This is against the rules – they must have their hats on at all times. Saxon starts letting out a lame squeeky laugh. Regina emerges from the diary room to remind them of the rules, including the one they just broke. Saxon is convinced that they have failed the task. Pat sits down and asks Saxon if he knows how to use a thermostat. He asks if it will take a shorter amount of time to heat up the spa if you put it on 40 degrees rather than 37 degrees. Saxon says at 40 degrees the spa will heat up faster. Pat points out that he’s wrong. Saxon starts making excuses saying he’s not the one setting the temperature so high – it’s Vincent. Pat says he will talk to Vincent about it today… Patrick is definately the alpha male today.

4:21pm – Chrissie is preparing some dinner with Jamie as they debate the chicken. Jamie thinks that one chicken will be enough. They both go outside and talk to Patrick saying “we can do two chickens if we like”. Patrick says he doesn’t really mind. Big Brother announces that the store room is open so Kim and Chrissie go to see what they have to work with for dinner. In the store room, Kim complains that it’s not fair they have so little supplies.

The housemates are awaiting the task results. Big Brother eventually tells them they passed, and had a reward for them in the store room. The reward is lots of fish for dinner and five bottles of Wine. Saxon is whinging again because he’s still on his week long alcohol ban. Kim and Chrissie want to get into the wine straight away. Regina counts the bottles.

6:32pm – Chrissie realises that a bottle of wine is missing. Regina suggests that Saxon and Vincent have hidden the wine bottle to drink when their alcohol ban ends. Kim thinks she will get in trouble for asking them becuase she’ll sound like an alcoholic. In the bedroom Saxon swears he didn’t take it when asked – but he bets Vincent hid it. Chrissie suggests that maybe they left it in the store room. Later in the kitchen Patrick says it doesn’t matter if Saxon took it – which sparks Saxon into a whole string of defenses.

Kim is determined to find the wine bottle, and starts searching the cupboards in the living room. Jamie goes into the diary room and asks Big Brother if he can open the store room for them to double check it. Big Brother tells him that it would serve no purpose to open up the store room. Just to clarify, Jamie gets BB to repeat the message. Big Brother says “there would be no point to opening up the store room”. Jamie gets the message and leaves. In the kitchen Saxon keeps defending himself. Vincent starts doing the same as accusations start flying across the room.

7:21pm – They are still looking for the wine. The housemates start discussing who was carrying the wine from the store room. Daniel goes into the bedroom and pulls the wine bottle from the drawer under his bed. He puts the bottle on the small coffee table in the living room without the other housemates seeing, and goes back into the kitchen. Patrick is saying that they will probably not see the wine again. As they eat, Kim says the only thing that would complete the dinner would be another bottle of wine. Daniel tells the others that maybe the culprit should just anonymously return the bottle to the coffee table in the living room.

Eventually Vincent spots the wine bottle all the way in the living room so the housemates automatically accuse him, saying it’s “admission of guilt”. Kim goes to investigate and confirms that it’s actually the missing wine bottle. It’s not long before they all realise that Daniel was the one who took the bottle. Regina is saying “Dan of all people!”.

10:14pm – Daniel is putting water into an empty wine bottle as one final joke. Outside Saxon and Patrick start talking about Jo (oh boy). Saxon whimpers on about how he was really sad when he saw Jo leaving through the house entrance. He says he “cried like a baby”. Meanwhile in the bedroom Daniel puts the wine bottle full of water next to Kim’s bed. Saxon is asking about whether you’d go looking for Jo if she didn’t turn up to your eviction. He then goes on to call Tim (Jo’s boyfriend) a dick head if he didn’t turn up for her eviction. Patrick says he is worried about how Jo was portrayed in the house. Daniel comes out to the spa and tells the boys what his joke is, to see Kim’s reaction to the wine bottle.

11:01pm – It seems Daniel has told everyone his joke because most of the housemates are sitting in the bedroom waiting and watching for Kim’s reaction to the bottle. When Kim walks up to the bed she notices the bottle, sniffs it and works out the joke immediately. She says “nice joke Daniel”. Jamie laughs saying the whole joke was an anticlimax.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 52

7:10am – Patrick and Saxon slept on the porch last night, but this morning it is one of the coldest mornings since they entered the house. The cold has forced them inside.

Later in the morning, Regina welcomes Patrick and Kim to the kitchen, who comments it’s great to see a smile in the morning. In the bedroom Saxon asks Vincent what he thinks of the upcoming eviction. Patrick things it will be an indicator of “whats going on” while Saxon adds it will be very hard on the people who have only been in the house two weeks.

Patrick lets Regina know that Saxon is worried people think there was something going on between him and Jo. Regina says it sure looked like it… Patrick agrees. They both agree that only they will know for sure… Patrick adds “and two million other people”. They giggle. Regina says obviously there was a strong attraction and if she didn’t have partners they would have got it on. Patrick jokes him and Regina should have got it on long ago. Regina asks why that hasn’t happened yet – Patrick reminds her she is married. They laugh. “The only thing is the wedding ring”.

Most of the housemates are lying in the sun, while Kim and Saxon play-box by the pool. Saxon chases after Kim with water while she screams. She holds her microphone up to try and get him to stop, but he pours it down her back. Saxon screams “musclemania”. Kim asks what “musclemania” is – and Saxon offers a demonstration. He warms himself up with some stretches, then flexes all the muscles in his chest while grunting. Kim says “he’s such a hulk!”. Chrissie comments that Girlfriend and Dolly will be waiting for him when he comes out. “Saxon, it’s even a heart-throb’s name isn’t it?”

Regina and Daniel are in the kitchen, discussing food. They hope they will pass next week’s task because they have been living on staples for the last two weeks.

2:41pm – The weekly task has been issued. Housemates must sit at the pool and fish. They must go for 2 hour, 2 person shifts without letting their fishing float touch the sides of the pool or leave the water. Daniel and Patrick are first.

3:47pm – It’s been one hour into the first shift and the boys are getting very bored. The sun has set over the Big Brother walls and the temperature is dropping. Daniel can feel the cold on his arms.

4:32pm – It’s already quite dark in the Big Brother backyard. Daniel and Patrick whistle with some birds.

5:57pm – The boys are well and truely bored, even though their shift has finished (they do not have a clock). Patrick comments it must be hard for people doing this from 4.00am. Vincent adds that there is no satisfaction in the task either because they don’t actually catch any fish. They all start singing “take a walk on the wild side”.

6:13pm – Regina and Kim are on their fishing shift. They comment they should have bet 100% on this week’s task. Jaime says it’s funny Regina is all in fishing gear, but is wearing shiny lip gloss. Back in the kitchen Patrick and Chrissie say 100% isn’t such a good idea: come 4am it will be very hard.

6:41pm – The girls are by the pool, and discuss Jo. Chrissie is fine because she didn’t spend that much time with her, however Saxon isn’t coping at all. Meanwhile Saxon is inside reading a book. Regina discusses her observations on how Saxon latched onto friends in the square house and ended up with Jo – now he doesn’t have anyone to bond with. “He’s so sensitive”. Kim says “he takes things to heart too much”. Patrick joins the girls and asks how the girls are – their bums are aching.

Chrissie goes into the house and asks Saxon how he’s going. He doesn’t know what he’s feeling he’s just going to ride it out and have fun. It’s not to do with Jo being away it’s to do with being away from his family – he is still only 19 and he’s finding it hard in the house because there is that difference in age.

Regina and Kim discuss Sunday

Regina: It’s going to be exciting

Kim: No matter what happens, I just want to say it was an honour to meet you

Regina: Bullshit

Kim: Nah

They laugh

Regina: I can’t deal with you!

Kim: Yeah it’s been an honour and I’ve just been greatful to spend this time with you. If it wasn’t for you I don’t think I would have stayed in here because I can’t relate to anyone.

Regina: That’s nice. I’m glad you came in. I’m glad there was a person like you (who) came in.

10.16pm – Shift is changing over.. one of the floats comes very close to the edge and Chrissie pulls it aside. The people on fishing shifts must wear appropriate dress. The current shift is Vincent and Saxon. Vincent jokes, asking “do you come to this fishing swimming pool often?”. Saxon replies “This is my first time here I hear the fishing here sucks”. Regina has set up a bed for herself in the kitchen so she is nearby when the shift changes over. Daniel wants to go to bed – Vincent and Saxon assure him they can stay there until morning. They start commenting on the fish jumping in the pool.

Kim comes into the kitchen and lies down next to Regina, and Reg lets her know she wants to actually sleep because of her shift later. Kim tells her the boys said they will go until sunrise. Regina says in which case she will just go to bed then. Kim doesn’t think they will last. Regina doesn’t care as long as they sit there and shutup.

But the boys aren’t. Saxon keeps singing “here’s Daniel” while Daniel stands at the side of the pool and does strange body actions.

Regina: Shutup Saxon

Regina: I can’t sleep

Kim: Neither can I

Regina: He just can’t be quiet that boy. He can’t whisper. He’s got no whispering thing in his voice. He can’t whisper. Yeah in his voice box.

Outside Saxon asks Vincent if he has any regrets. Vincent says he has let down his guard a couple of times. Saxon wonders why he thinks that is a regret – he sees that as letting people in. Vincent asks Saxon the same question. Saxon says one of his is caring about certain people so much in the house. Saxon can’t interact with people who have their guard up. Vincent says he only opens up to special people – that’s the way he is. Saxon asks if thats always been or because he’s been hurt in the past. Vincent says probably the latter.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 51

10:17am – There is quiet mood in the house now that Joanne is gone. Daniel is telling Regina that he can’t believe he’s still in the house. Saxon, still in his pyjamas says god I miss her already… I felt sick when I woke up and realised she wouldn’t be there”. Regina tells him to look at it as the amazing experience they had. Vincent and Saxon are just bumming around the backyard looking at the ground and remembering Joanne. Vincent says the house changes every time some one leaves. Whenever Saxon or Vincent get close to some one they are evicted. Saxon keeps talking about Joanne, saying that the house makes people care as if they had known each other for 10 years. Vincent says there is no way to translate the intensity of relationships in the house. Patrick (who is sunbathing) butts in saying that they’re going to feel empty from now on.

2:32pm – Kim says she has put on weight as she decides what to wear for the live nominations. Now that Saxon has lost his girl he’s spending all his time with the boys. They are all outside cleaning the windows. Discussion moves onto who is the alpha male of the house (oh god not this again!). The guys talk about how Ben wasn’t really an alpha male because he lied about pashing Jo. Vincent asks if crying (ie Saxon last night) makes you lose ‘alpha male points’. Saxon says it does. Patrick and Vincent say he better cry when they get evicted. Patrick suggests that they have ‘alpha male of the day’. The role goes to Daniel today who orders them to quit acting like women and to keep washing those windows.

3:40pm – Jamie, Kim and Saxon are talking about nominations in the bedroom. Jamie says he’s not too bothered because it’s something they all have to do in the game. Saxon says he’s bothered by it because there is some one talking about a bad trait of his and he doesn’t really know about it. Kim shares Saxon’s view and disagree with Jamie’s view.

Later in the kitchen Jamie confronts Kim about their conversation. Kim tells him that he always thinks she’s picking on him, but it’s not true. She explains she wasn’t picking on him, she just disagreed with him but didn’t force him not to talk. Jamie just leaves, leaving Chrissie at the table. Kim apologises to Chrissie for what just happened.

8:27pm – Chrissie reads out the message to the other housemates that they are all nominated. Saxon is VERY happy about this news and starts loudly telling everyone how great it is. He is glad because if he’s evicted he won’t have to go out alone. Daniel realises that this is the first time Patrick has been nominated. Most of the housemates leave the lounge room, except Regina, Kim and Patrick. Pat says “so this is what it’s like to be nominated”. Kim tells them that now is the time to reflect and appreciate other people’s company. Saxon continues to brag about how great a double eviction would be. Kim doesn’t agree but Saxon says if they were evicted together they would have a great night out (yeah… right!).

In the kitchen Saxon continues to go nuts over this double eviction. Jamie and Chrissie share his view and get excited about it. Saxon tells them that the others inside aren’t so keen on it. They tisk in disgust and Jamie says they are “having a tanty”.

10:26pm – In the bedroom Kim talks to Chrissie and Regina about Jamie and how he thinks she cracks at him because he’s gay. Meanwhile outside Jamie is playing badminton with the boys.

11:00pm – The boys (except Daniel) are now in the kitchen after their badminton game. Chrissie comes in but realises she might be interrupting some “male bonding”. They tell her they’re having milos after their game of “shrivel cock”. Saxon tells Chrissie they need a cheerleader for their next game. The guys start complaining that Daniel isn’t with them when he’s supposed to be today’s alpha male. They explain their ‘alpha male roster’ to Chrissie before she goes back inside.

In the bedroom Chrissie tells Daniel about the boys complaints, so Daniel takes off his shirt and walks out to the kitchen. The girls watch from the bedroom doorway. The boys see Daniel coming and say it’s “typical alpha male behaviour”. Walking in the kitchen, shirtless and flexing his muscles Daniel tells them they’re wearing their shirts and drinking hot milo like women. Daniel continues to flex his muscles in the mirror and burp loudly. The girls are now in the lounge room watching and laughing.

Later Kim is talking to the other girls about Vincent being so quiet in the house. Regina and Chrissie tell her that he’s only just started opening up. They agree that they probably won’t get any more information out of that man.

In the kitchen Saxon says he’d suck at being the alpha male, but wants to know who will be the alpha male tomorrow. He suggests Vincent who just stays quiet the whole time (as usual).

The girls are asking why Vincent chose to come on Big Brother if he never opens up to himself. Later, Kim comes into the deserted kitchen (Vincent still there, of course) but he doesn’t say a word. While doing some kitchen work there’s an awkward silence.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 50

Saxon is in his make-shift cubby on the house porch at sunrise.

10:00am – Big Brother opens the store room. Jo says to Patrick she will run and grab a Diet Coke to hide for Chrissie – Patrick will give it to Chrissie if Jo is evicted tonight. As the two run to the store room Saxon notices somethings up and asks if he can join in whatever they are doing. In the store room there is barely any food as the housemates failed their last task. She finds a diet coke and hides it in a cabinet in the lounge room. Saxon says “you’re just so nice Jo”.

11:48am – Jo is chatting with Chrissie. They joke about if they lost touch and saw each other months later and Chrissie lost a lot of weight. Regina and Kim are also chatting while they sunbathe. Regina is feeling weird about the fact she could be leaving the house tonight. Kim advises her not to think about it. Daniel is in the kitchen also talking about being nominated. He says the BB house is like a dream and when you are evicted you wake up from the dream.

1:01pm – Jo is packing her bags for tonight’s eviction. Saxon goes through her clothes and thinks every item is cool. He suggests she wear her favourite gstring. Joanne finds some socks which belong to Tim and she starts crying. She curses herself for bringing them into the house. She hasn’t seen them up until now. She doesn’t want to see them again and asks Saxon to put them away somewhere.

5:48pm – The boys are all trying to sleep to kill time. Saxon is outside on a bench, Patrick and Vincent are in the bedroom, but Vincent is wide awake. Jo goes outside to see Saxon. She asks if he’s ok – he will be… it’s just doing his head in. “I never let people get to me like this”. She invites him inside, but first he needs to see her walk away from behind. To Jo’s bum he says “nice!”.

6:35pm – Vincent is in the bedroom with Jo saying his last goodbyes. He comments that she is very beautiful tonight but Jo doesn’t really care…. “but I’m ok”. Jo is thinking about the other housemates. Vincent says they will all see each other in five weeks time. They hug. Saxon joins them with Patrick’s guitar to cheer them up.

8:00pm – It’s time to go… Joanne. Jo knew it, she knew it “I knew it”. Daniel says “oh my god oh my god”. Jo hugs all the boys goodbye, and no one else. Saxon lets out an upset “seeya Jo” as the doors close behind her and he bangs on the door. He walks away crying and saying “why did I come in this house?”. Chrissie and Regina hug and say it’s amazing Dan has survived another eviction. Meanwhile Vincent is giving Dan a congratulatory hug. Saxon is crying some more. Patrick is sitting on Joanne’s bed and gets a sympathy hug from Regina. He says “thats a bad one”.

8:08pm – Saxon is crying some more, as Vincent sits next to him. Saxon says “why am I like this? This is what I do when my mum’s here. It just doesn’t make sense. Fuck. I don’t know what… I’m so pathetic, I’m so pathetic. I never let shit get to me like this ever. Why did I have to meet some one as cool as her in a place like this?”. He moans (lots). “Can’t some one go and bring her back?”. Chrissie says no, they cannot. Saxon continues “I’ll never be the same again, I loved her so much”.

Patrick reveals to Chrissie the Diet Coke they hid earlier in the day. Chrissie is ecstatic. Regina comes over and hugs Saxon, revealing that’s how she felt when Ben left. Saxon totally breaks down and says “I don’t want to get so sad. People are going to think I’m queer… why does it hurt so much?”. He cries some more while Regina and Chrissie try to joke to cheer him up.

8:21pm – Patrick is still on Jo’s bed and is joined by Vincent and Saxon. The three members of the Jo obsession club think about Jo and what she’s doing right now. It all becomes too much for Saxon yet again as he storms out the room not knowing where he’s going crying. He says “what am I doing to myself?”.

Vincent finds one of Jo’s hairs on her bed and holds it up to display. Patrick keeps the hair for later, and comments they will find Jo’s hair everywhere from now on. Saxon continues to bawl his eyes out in the living room. Patrick is saving some of Jo’s hairs inside one of his birthday cards. In the bathroom. Saxon is now going around hugging everyone – this time it’s Daniel. He says he needs to see his family, and Daniel agrees and says it would be great to just have a telephone where they could talk to their relatives. Saxon isn’t really listening and mumbles out “I want my mum” while he walks away in the middle of Dan’s sentence. “It’s time for me to go… I need to get out of this house”.

11:47pm – Saxon has gone to Big Brother and specially requested they show Joanne’s video goodbye message early. The group are gathered in the living room:

“I would like to say goodbye, and I’ll miss you very much. You are all every special people and I have been blessed to be able to come in this house and meet every single one of you”.

Vincent: I like to speak Italian with you (said in Italian). And I’m really looking forward to have a coffee with you in Melbourne. I want to find out more about you.

11:52pm – The video message continues.

Patrick: Sorry… (she gets teary) Thank you for being a really supportive friend in this house. I appreciate our time spent together. You’re one in a million. As I said before we had an instant rapport in the auditions and I really appreciate your friendship and support. I’ll definitely be catching up with you when we get out.

Saxon: Bye Sax. I definitely will miss you heaps. You’re such a cool fun guy and I’ve got along with you so well in the house. I loved staying up with you those few nights we didn’t sleep and definitely be coming to the coast to meet your mum and your brother. That’s a promise. I’ll see you soon and I’ll miss you heaps.

Saxon is crying once again.

Chrissie: I’ll miss you heaps Chrissie. Thank you for being my sorority sister, thank you for being a really good friend. I’ll be seeing you in Melbourne and I can’t wait to hold your baby hands once again.

Chrissie is laughing. Saxon is crying.

When the message finishes all the housemates wave at the screen to say goodbye except Saxon who is crying. Everyone comments her video message was really well done.

12:26am – Regina and Patrick have a quiet chat in the bedroom. Patrick is just taking all the recent events in and thinking about them. He’s worried about what Jo might face on the outside. Regina says if she goes back home she might not see anyone else ever again. Patrick says she won’t get stuck back on that island. Saxon has gone to bed with Jo’s pillow. “Goodnight Jo. I miss you”.

Also on Behind Big Brother