Day 33 FNL

FNL took on a horse racing theme this week. Round one involved all ten competitors partaking in a sweepstake and choosing a horse at random. They were then shown a recording of a live horse race and told to ‘barrack with passion’ for their chosen horses. Terri’s horse came home first and Renee’s came in last – winning them both a free pass to the third round.

It was then back to the old standard “two teams” games with Rory, Travis, Bianca and Ben facing off against Dixie, Brigitte, Nobbi and Alice in the second round which is a game of soccer while wearing backwards racing binoculars. Despite a nice early goal from Rory, his team is out-scored 3 to 2 and are eliminated from the games.

Next up is “Photo Finish”; an obstacle course while riding on mini horses on wheels. Alice, Renee and Nobbi go first. Nobbi is very enthusiastic with his whip and gets over the line quickly. Alice comes in last and gets eliminated. Next to race are Brigitte, Dixie and Terri. Brigitte won easily with Terri coming in last and being eliminated.

In the fourth round Nobbi and Renee took on Dixie and Brigitte in a contest to shovel ‘horse manure’. This is the FNL ‘classic’ where one person throws shit (haha) over the wall and the other catches it. Dixie shovels first, throwing to Brigitte. Nobbi then shovels and throws to Renee. Both Brigitte and Renee have impressive falls wall running with their poo-loads but ultimately Renee’s team is victorious.

Nobbi and Renee then had to face off in “The Biggest Winner Game”. They have to see who can don the most extra weight (in clothing) in a set time limit. Nobbi manages to gain 7.05 Kg while Renee picks up an extra 8.65 Kg and wins the games.

Big Brother tells Renee the bottom three Are Dixie, Travis and Bianca, then asks her who she’ll take to the strategy room. She decides to take Dixie despite not wanting to have to tell her that she’s in the bottom three.

Also on Behind Big Brother