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Official Promos - Spoilers galore

...I'm so sick and tired of that fucking dumb imbecile Matt saying shit about 'World War III' every time that he's interviewed... doesn't he have any other cliche's that he can use?... what a twat!... cheers.
Nothing is worse than the sanctimonious guys who call themselves the good guys and playing with integrity while everyone else must be a bad guy because they're not playing with integrity.

Was it integrity when Lee a manipulated Christy into sticking with him?

I never trust anyone who claims that they are the good guy and have integrity. They usually just judge mental people Trying to manipulate the world onto their side. If you're a good guy your behavior shows it, you don't have to declare that you're a good guy all the time to convince people.
Oh on the subject of spoilers, it turns out there is no Max Brenners in Samoa. So the story mentioning said business may not be a final two spoiler after all.
LOL that's pretty funny. I actually envisaged this last night, all of them scrambling to hone their fire making skills at the last moment... but I did't think they would actually do it!!!

Kristy is so dumb, I swear. Why would Flick be trying to get her out? I can already see how this is going to play out. Kristy will tell Lee and El that Flick is trying to get her out and then El, Lee and Kristy will vote Flick out.