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2014 sponsors

ok but why has ^ this post popped up in 2 other threads and.. now an entire thread to itself, I'm already sick of seeing it!
I posted the article in the 2014 house thread because I thought more fridges might mean a BB shop and I think this thread is actually a good idea. Last year we had KFC, Ambi pur, Nutrigrain. Who will be sponsoring BB this year, I'll wager a guess that KFC will be back.

It’s Content Integration, stoopid…
By David Knox on July 4, 2014 / Filed Under News 7
Nine’s latest Insights newsletter to clients, gives us some deeper insight into ‘content integration.’

Y’know, that thing we used to call ‘product placement.’

As these photos indicate, shows like Big Brother are rife with the stuff as part of their storytelling (and let’s not even start on The Block).

It’s not new to BB, nor the genre, nor even the network. But it helps explain why some kooky challenges are the way they are. It’s just an excuse to embed the client’s product.

As Nine explains it:

Content integration offers something money can’t buy – the opportunity to weave your brand into the fabric of the program. With Big Brother reaching 73.8% of Australians in 2013, it is the perfect vehicle for your brand to reach a large, youthful and engaged audience.

It’s why it’s called commercial TV, right?

Networks of course must comply with the Code of Practice:

Where a licensee receives payment for material that is presented in a program or segment of a program, that material must be distinguishable from other program material…

Broadly speaking they distinguish this in the tiny credits that run at show’s end, despite the whole notion that product placement works most effectively when you don’t notice it as separate from the storytelling.

But remember… starving housemates on staple foods then ‘rewarding’ them with fast food equals elated TV faces gorging themselves on client product. Who’s a happy Sales and Marketing Director?
I posted the article in the 2014 house thread because I thought more fridges might mean a BB shop and I think this thread is actually a good idea. Last year we had KFC, Ambi pur, Nutrigrain.

And Songl, which is how the producers got the idea for the Battle Of The Bands task.
You will definitely see heaps more of the still shot product placement (the Maybelline image above) this year. BBUK was aaaall over that this year.
You will definitely see heaps more of the still shot product placement (the Maybelline image above) this year. BBUK was aaaall over that this year.

They really were! I haven't watched any other International BB episodes apart from BBUK, so not sure if the 'plain packaging' on pretty much everything (bar sponsors' products) is the norm. In any case, it was interesting to see this approach used. I actually prefer it to the set-ups that BBAU has used in the past. The Surly 'prank' with Tim/Drew planting fish in the Sugar Sisters' bed comes to mind. It just seemed so obvious that it was a plug for AmbiPur (or maybe I was reading to much into it...).