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Post BB Housemate Antics - Part 3

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  • leoryanburkeKNOW YOUR WHY
    EVERYONE knows their WHAT. They know what they want! I want to loose weight, I want to have a six pack, I want a nice car, I want a nice house etc...but very few people know their WHY! When it comes to achieving success and hitting your goals your WHY is infinitely more important then your WHAT.
    When times get tough and things get hard it's your WHY that will drive you even if your WHAT seems far and out of reach. I encourage all my BeachBody Brigade family to understand their WHY before they start their own 8 week transformations. Maybe your why is about having more self confidence. Maybe your why is about being healthier. Maybe your why is about being happier. Maybe it's something more tangible like getting ready for your wedding day or simply wanting to be able to walk down the beach in your swimmers with a smile on your face and your head held high. Whatever it is identify it, understand it and tie it directly to the goal your trying to achieve. It has deeper more powerful impact that just visualising WHAT you want.
    Become part of my Beach Body Brigade family and join the hundreds of people from over a dozen countries that have found their WHY and are on their way to smashing their goals and being the fittest happiest version of themselves. Custom 8 week nutritional and training programs with unlimited 24/7 online support. Click the link in my bio to get started now or send me an e mail for more info!
    - @leoryanburke
    - [email protected]
    - Snapchat: leoryan33

  • leoryanburkeKNOW YOUR WHY
    EVERYONE knows their WHAT. They know what they want! I want to loose weight, I want to have a six pack, I want a nice car, I want a nice house etc...but very few people know their WHY! When it comes to achieving success and hitting your goals your WHY is infinitely more important then your WHAT.
    When times get tough and things get hard it's your WHY that will drive you even if your WHAT seems far and out of reach. I encourage all my BeachBody Brigade family to understand their WHY before they start their own 8 week transformations. Maybe your why is about having more self confidence. Maybe your why is about being healthier. Maybe your why is about being happier. Maybe it's something more tangible like getting ready for your wedding day or simply wanting to be able to walk down the beach in your swimmers with a smile on your face and your head held high. Whatever it is identify it, understand it and tie it directly to the goal your trying to achieve. It has deeper more powerful impact that just visualising WHAT you want.
    Become part of my Beach Body Brigade family and join the hundreds of people from over a dozen countries that have found their WHY and are on their way to smashing their goals and being the fittest happiest version of themselves. Custom 8 week nutritional and training programs with unlimited 24/7 online support. Click the link in my bio to get started now or send me an e mail for more info!
    - @leoryanburke
    - [email protected]
    - Snapchat: leoryan33
I think Leo's 'NOT' was instant noodles.
I know they must get some parts of these holidays paid for, but how do they all afford to go on holiday as often as they do? They seem to time off normal jobs etc, without losing their jobs?
I know they must get some parts of these holidays paid for, but how do they all afford to go on holiday as often as they do? They seem to time off normal jobs etc, without losing their jobs?

Isn't Tully like a travel blogger where companies like pay her to advertise their hotels and whatnot on her social media pages? And a damn fine job she does of it too. She is a very good writer. A very inspirational role model for people everywhere I say, especially after all the tough times that she has gone through. If I could I'd nominate her for Australian of the year, or even better yet maybe she can be Dame Tully Smyth?

  • iamlisaclarkWe have come along way baby, none of this would have been possible or nearly as fun without you by my side. You are my best friend and my love and I am the luckiest girl in the world. Waking up next to you everyday is all I could ever ask for. Here's to a million more birthdays with you by my side. Love youuuuu!!! X
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