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Post BB - Housemate Antics 2013

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3 minutes ago
Ma girls.

She is hot!
I *think* he's trying to say that Ch 9 ensures people are of sound mind before they're let in the house so he's basically calling Tully out for saying people need long-term visits with a psych paid for them once BB is over.
Okay, that makes sense. I mean, I don't necessarily agree that if you're fine going into a life-altering experience you should be fine coming out--that's kind of silly--but at least there's a logic there, unlike anything I was coming up with. Thank you for translating. :)
@littlebear ... can you give me a link or quick recount RE Tim v Tim ? Geez... What the hell?!

Hrm we've been spoiled for choice with twitter fights recently; Ben12 vs Tim, OurTim vs UrineTim, OurTim vs Alex Mavriodackya, so my memory is a little hazy.

However from what I can recall there was an article where UrineTim called Tully a train wreck, hot mess, horrible regrowthed, shameless twitter spruiker who was trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame in any way (I may have paraphrased and/or/most definitely embellished here but whatevs I interned at the Daily Mail so I can). So OurTim was all like pot meet kettle towards UrineTim who had recently forayed in the enlightening world of urine drinking a.k.a watersports a.k.a. seriously-apple-juice-is-not-that-expensive-if-want-to-drink-something-golden. Then UrineTim was all like no fair I thought you guys were cool *tears* they is making up lies as I totally did not, but probably did, but definitely not in those words, but actually did in fact verbatim say train wreck.
Hrm we've been spoiled for choice with twitter fights recently; Ben12 vs Tim, OurTim vs UrineTim, OurTim vs Alex Mavriodackya, so my memory is a little hazy.

However from what I can recall there was an article where UrineTim called Tully a train wreck, hot mess, horrible regrowthed, shameless twitter spruiker who was trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame in any way (I may have paraphrased and/or/most definitely embellished here but whatevs I interned at the Daily Mail so I can). So OurTim was all like pot meet kettle towards UrineTim who had recently forayed in the enlightening world of urine drinking a.k.a watersports a.k.a. seriously-apple-juice-is-not-that-expensive-if-want-to-drink-something-golden. Then UrineTim was all like no fair I thought you guys were cool *tears* they is making up lies as I totally did not, but probably did, but definitely not in those words, but actually did in fact verbatim say train wreck.
Brilliant. Also UrineTim said he apologised to Tully and said he shouldn't have called her that, but then basically said he really did mean it. Also there was something about her turning up on every red carpet "except for the Logies, did you get THAT, Tully?" He's just the nicest guy. Grateful, gracious, all the grrrs.
damn it - Tim's tweet just reminded me Eurovision is on and I'm home alone so I could've been enjoying it in silence. Anyone watching?!
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