Day 58

Jamie and Patrick are showering.. however Patrick would rather shower on his own. Jamie doesn’t understand his habit. It’s sunny on this winter morning. Regina is in the kitchen making bread. She’s wearing sunglasses to cover up her puffy eyes after crying herself to sleep – she was warned about loose nomination conversation.

Patrick comes in and tells her about his non-nude showering because of Jamie. Reg offers to tell Jamie not to shower with Patrick or her. She then explains that she’s already told him about him, but Jamie just asked if they minded if he joined them. Regina was worried that her husband Adrian wouldn’t be happy about her showering with another guy. Patrick tells himself he shouldn’t worry about it. While trying to get the bread out of a baking tin, Regina breaks it.

Vincent emerges from the diary room with a message. He says that the shopping will be pushed onto the next day, but Big Brother will provide dinner tonight. Daniel and Regina are pleased – but asks if there is a catch. They start speculating – Daniel jokes they have to dance while eating.

The speculation continues while everyone sunbathes. Jamie thinks some one might join them for dinner tonight. Vincent just says “maybe” to every idea. Vincent says it’s unusual for BB to want them to have a quiet day. Jamie asks if this sort of thing happened before him and Kim moved in. Vincent says that when the houses were joined they were told that there was just a plumbing problem. Jamie suggests that while they’re having dinner they might shrink the house by closing off parts to it. They don’t want the yard to be made smaller because of ‘battlecock’.

Later in the kitchen Patrick is annoyed about the speculation of making the house smaller. Regina is shocked at this idea. Outside Vincent says this is the calm before the storm. Jamie says lets’s soak it up but bring it on – he wants to see whats next. He goes on to say that the housemates sunbathing probably isn’t what Big Brother wants – it’s too cosy so BB will shake things up.

3:41pm – Chrissie goes to the diary room to collect some tablets for feeling well. Big Brother tells her last night’s conversation isn’t something they should have been talking about, but it doesn’t breach rules. He says that they’re lucky they were interrupted. Chrissie says she is really sorry and was worried it would be taken the wrong way. Chrissie goes outside to tell Regina the verdict. Regina is very relieved at the outcome. They agree they were gassbagging into something they shouldn’t have. Regina realises that she was going to do the same thing with Daniel earlier today. Chrissie says that Big Brother suggested that people might be able to code their conversations into talking about banned topics. Regina and Chrissie both agree that they are too dumb to do this, and have a good laugh about it.

8:28pm – Nomination announcement. Jamie, Patrick and Vincent are nominated – they nod along while Regina exclaims “three boys!”. Jamie tells Regina “see, you’re safe!”. They are surprised Daniel isn’t nominated this week. Vincent counts up the number of times they have been nominated. Suddenly Big Brother announces that in the morning they should pack all of their possessions. Regina is shocked and screams out “oh no”. Jamie thinks one of them will be evicted tomorrow.

8:31pm – The housemates are speculating about this latest announcement. They think they’ll be moved to a new house. Jamie says he’s excited to be there right now. Suddenly Regina farts loudly which makes all of the housemates jump up quick smart. In the bedroom Patrick has started packing already while Jamie and Chrissie discuss the possibilities. Chrissie is called to the diary room and their dinner is presented – It’s Pizza Hut (PRODUCT PLACEMENT!!!). Everyone screams and dances at the new food. Jamie does the river dance with the pizzas stacked up. They all scream at the special pizza – Regina is confused what they are.

Daniel is called to the diary room and given a secret personal challenge. The object of the challenge is to win a prize for Patrick and he will receive nothing in return. Big Brother announces that his talk is based on Daniel’s annoyance at Patrick’s guitar playing skills. Daniel must suggest to Patrick that they organise and create a musical with Patrick playing the guitar and Daniel dancing. Daniel says he will give it a shot if there is no downside to it. He’s got 3 days to perform a song with him. After coming out of the diary room he tells the others there was a problem with his microphone.

Later Daniel tells Patrick they should utilise the space outside and do a musical number together.

9:28pm – The housemates are brought to the lounge room to watch farewell messages from the housemates. Kim’s is first, and she tells them she wasn’t going to let her guard down in the house… but she did. She thanks Vincent for the facial and tells him it was funny because he did some things wrong. She wishes they got to know each other better. She thinks it was good that Jamie and her were honest and did have some ‘niggly things’. Kim does a little ‘boom’ dance for Daniel and tells him he is brilliant and thanks him for being honest. Chrissie gets upset when Kim starts listing her great qualities. For Regina she says Reg knows how she feels and thanks her for making her feel so comfortable in the house. Kim says that Regina is so funny without even realising it and she will tell Regina that she will see her along with everyone else at the end. The housemates clap after the video with Regina crying tears of joy.

Saxon’s video comes on – Jamie says that he looks tired. Saxon thanks for them for giving him the greatest experience of his life. He says Daniel made every day for him easier, thanks Patrick for putting him in line and being there for him when he was down. Saxon says Chrissie lit up the house and was just as young as him even though there is an age difference. He says he guarantees her friendship for a long time. Regina is amazing because she’s just Reggie – He can’t waits to come down to tassie to cook fish and chips for her. He thanks his ‘Big Brother’ Vincent for being there for him in the house. He says ‘see you soon’ to all the housemates. Regina is very upset at the two videos.

Bedtime – The housemates are going to bed earlier wondering about what will happen tomorrow. Chrissie says goodbye to sweetness (Jamie) and he says goodbye to light (Chrissie). Daniel reminds them to remember all their stuff in the bathroom. He says that this is so excited and that “stuffs going to happen tomorrow”. Chrissie screams out “STUFF!” and Daniel stards doing a funny dance to it.

Also on Behind Big Brother